I'm Going Rouge

553 21 0

Song: Crack Baby - Mitski

Look at the end of this chapter for more notes!

"Just a whiskey."

"That's all Dazai?"

"Yeah, I have somewhere to be soon." Dazai said, reaching out to grab the glass in front of him.

"Alright, enjoy." The bartender said, walking away from Dazai's seat. Dazai nodded and took a long sip from the glass, almost downing the whole thing in one big gulp. He wanted to finish his drink, and get going. He had places to be tonight.

Quickly finishing his drink, Dazai stood from the bar. He needed that little bit of energy that whiskey would give him. It was far from enough to get him drunk, though it didn't help him think clearly. He really needed to be thinking clearly. But it was too late now he was already on his way to the docks.


Walking briskly down the street, Dazai made his way down to the docks. His chest was full of adrenaline and the need to find you. With a few more long strides he had made it to the docks. He stood in front of the many boats staring back at him and frowned. He hadn't thought of a way to find the right boat.

"Damnit." He cursed under his breath, beginning to walk around again. Before, when Dazai had stormed out of the office without hearing any sort of a plan, he thought that he would just find the right boat and get you to safety. But he was being stupid when he left. He had no idea how he was going to get to you at the moment—

"Hmm~ hm~ hmmm~"

Dazai froze for a moment then stepped back and hid behind one of the bigger boats. Once he heard that humming, his whole body went stiff. He knew that voice and he knew it well.

Dazai watched as a man in all white, walked off the docks and towards the warehouse area. Dazai followed the man, knowing that wherever Fyodor was going, you were there.


"Hello deary, it's about time you wake up."

Your eyelids felt heavy.

"Come on now, don't keep me waiting."

You opened your eyes and saw a new face staring back at you.

"I'm Shibusawa, Fyodor told me to bring you here and introduce myself. So, here we are."

The man had lengthy white hair, and red eyes that stared deep into yours. He was also dressed in all white. You didn't understand the white outfits, but at the time you paid no attention to it.

"How long was I asleep..?" You mumbled, remembering falling asleep at the table back in the boat. You could tell that you were in a building now. The rocking had stopped and everything was still. You were sitting at a table, similar to the one back on the boat but much more fancy. There were glass paned windows on every wall. You didn't know a place like this was in Yokohama. Though the building was run down in some places, it was beautiful.

"For about an hour and a half. It was enough time to transport you to this building." Shibusawa said, pacing the room.

"Sorry for falling asleep I—"

"No no, it's absolutely fine. It was all according to plan anyways." Shibusawa shrugged.

"Taking those pills was such a bad idea." You thought to yourself.

"What plan?" You asked, standing from the chair you were sitting in.

"Fyodor probably explained some of it to you, but the plan is for your boyfriend to come help us with something. That's all. Then the two of you can leave and everything goes back to normal." The man said, turning back to face you with a devilish look in his eyes. "Fyodor just informed me that Dazai and him are on their way here. I must greet them, stay here for a while longer."

You slowly nodded and watched as Shibusawa walked away from the table and off to some steps leading to one of the lower floors of the building. All of this gave you a sickening feeling.


"Dazai, you can stop hiding. I don't mind if you follow me."

"You bastard." Dazai thought to himself.

"I would have said something earlier, but watching you follow me was very entertaining." Fyodor said, putting a hand over his mouth to keep himself from laughing. Dazai scoffed and stood up straight. Fyodor waited for Dazai to catch up to him, then started walking again.

"It's quite foggy out today, hm?" He said, slightly looking down at Dazai. The man was about an inch or two taller than Dazai. He always rubbed it in whenever he was near the brunet. l
Out of spite and purely Dazai being Dazai, he would puff up his chest and stand a little taller, making him appear the same height as Fyodor.

"You know exactly what's going on, so don't act—"

"I'm not acting a certain way, Dazai. You're correct, I do know what's going on but that doesn't mean I can't make small talk with an old friend." Fyodor said, mockingly. Dazai didn't want small talk. He honestly didn't give a shit about it at the moment. All he wanted was to find you and make sure you were alive. "I understand what you want. And you can have it once you do something for me."

"And what would that be?" Dazai was eager to find a way to get what he wanted. Even if it meant doing the wrong thing in this situation.

"I'll show you once we arrive."


"Welcome, Fyodor,... Dazai" Shibuzawa said, bowing and putting a hand out to motion the two inside the tall building. Once Fyodor and Dazi were inside the building Shibusawa shut the door and walked past both of them. "I have something I must take care of, I will meet the both of you back here in a bit."

"Will do." Fyodor said, nodding at the white haired man. Once Shibusawa was gone, Fyodor turned to Dazai and gave him a bone chilling look. "You and I have some business to attend to, Dazai."



Sorry for the late update! I didn't realize it was Monday already... But anyways y'all know I had to use at least one Mitski song for a chapter ;>

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