Osamu Dazai

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This chapter is going to be split into a few parts (probably three?) because it's really long. This is all in Dazai's POV

Osamu Dazai.

Osamu Dazai, the youngest executive in the Port Mafia.

Soon to be the youngest boss. I'm going to assume he will assassinate me, and take my place as boss.


"I feel numb."

"I'm going to do it."

"Why did you leave."

"I had fun."

"I'm sorry."



"I'm happy now."



"Dazai!" I woke up in a state of panic, hearing loud banging on my apartment door. "Dazai! Get your ass out of bed!"

"Oh. It's just you Kunikida." I muttered into my flat, pillow.

"Of course it's me! Get up you're going to be late." The blonde haired man yelled. I heard him start to walk away. Must have been tired of waiting.

I grumbled while standing up from my futon. I didn't want to go to work. Nothing interesting had happened recently. It was just boring. But I still have to go. Or else I won't get payed.

So just like any other day I gathered myself and stood up, stretching my back. I was wearing a white button up, and underwear. Last night I had just stripped my pants, jacket, and fell asleep. Didn't care enough to change. Plus, I didn't have to do much to get ready this morning.

On my walk to the office, it started raining. Rain is beautiful. Sometimes you can tell what it's going to do. Like if the clouds are black and the sky is dark, it's most likely going to rain. But other times it will come in the middle of a sunny day. It was a mystery. That's why it's so beautiful.

There are many other reasons why it's beautiful too. I mean I could go on and on about how when it hits your roof it makes the most perfect sound. And when your outside it lands so softy on your face. And—

"Hey Dazai!"

And to interrupt my thoughts, a gray haired boy came running up to me from behind.

"Good Morning Atsushi," I said. The boy came to a stop next to me, and began walking with me.

"We have a new member in the agency!" Atsushi stated. A new member to the agency? Atsushi was the only newbie we had join the ADA in a while.

"Did they pass the entrance exam?" I asked. If it was just anyone then they wouldn't have been able to pass.

"Well I guess they aren't a member of the agency just yet... But they will take the exam today!" The gray hair boy smiled. "I have faith in them. They seem like a great person."

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