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"Well... That's only if Y/N wants too." Ranpo wooed leaning forward, resting his head in this palm.

"Ranpo, there has to be another way we can do this." Atsushi mumbled under his breath.

"It seems this is the only way. This is the only way we can get information on the Rats. Even if it means doing something we could regret. It's the only choice we have. Y/N is technically a prisoner in this situation."

"No, they are a part of the agency." Fukuzawa stated.

"We should see what Dazai has to say about all of this before we do anything. He might have a better approach to this situation." Kunikida suggested, rubbing his face.

"Where is Dazai anyways?" Jun'ichiro asked,  "He was invited to this meeting, right?"

It seemed that everyone was just now realizing that Dazai wasn't in the meeting. You had known from the start that he wouldn't be there..

"Y/N.. You live with Dazai, do you know where he is?" Atsushi asked. Everyone's eyes shifted back to you, as if they didn't know that the two of you were a couple. But they all knew. Dazai would often brag to everyone that he had a partner. He would go on and on, telling Kunikida how great you were, soon to be slapped on the back, and told to get back to work.

"I don't know where he is... I haven't seen him since last night." You mumbled, still playing with your hands. It always calmed you down. Whether it be something small or something like this, it was your go to for comfort. Dazai knew this and would occasionally let you play with his hands. He would let you sit on his lap late at night after a bad dream or night terror, and play with his hands till you fell asleep again. It made him feel like he did something good. He got that little fuzzy feeling, knowing that you were content and safe

But that hadn't happened in a long time.

Ranpo sighed, "Atsushi, you and Y/N go look for Dazai." He said, pointing to you and Atsushi. 

"Alright." Atsushi said standing. You nodded and did the same. You walked out of the room to go collect your things while Atsushi stayed back for a moment. 

"Hey, Atsushi." Ranpo said, tugging on Atsushi's shirt.


"Keep an eye on them." 


You and Atsushi walked down the street in silence. Atsushi had his fists clenched. He would open his mouth every now and then, like  he was going to say something but he never did. You had hugged your torso, and also not saying anything. You didn't want to start a conversation with Atsushi. Not that he wasn't a good person to talk to, but you knew what he would ask about and you didn't want to talk about it. 

He would end up asking about you being with the Decay of Angels, or the Rats. You truly couldn't tell him much because you didn't know much. All you knew was you were used by both groups, yet still treated as an equal. They had used you for your mind and ability. Which you had no idea what your ability was. It confused you that you couldn't figure it out. Just like a child with an ability, they could figure out their ability from a young age and have it forever. But yours was lost. Unable to reach it, you used your combat skills to stay in the ADA. Not depending on an ability that wouldn't help you. 

Your mind on the other hand had been erased. The groups had used you for your smarts, and your brain. You had no idea why though. You probably didn't have the smarts from before, because you were brain washed. You wouldn't be help to the groups now. Maybe that's why they got rid of you. They used you for what they needed, then left you with nothing but a small apartment in Yokohama..

"So.. You were actually with the Decay of Angels..?" 

And there it was. The question you dreaded at the moment. But you knew it was coming, so you had an answer ready. 

"Yep." That was it. A simple 'Yep'.

"Really..? I mean not to sound rude or anything but, you had to be one of the big leagues then. But you seem to not have an ability." Atsushi said. He was genuinely confused  about it. He didn't understand how a person with no ability could be with a dangerous group, such as the Decay of Angels. 

"I did have an ability but I lost it. I don't know how to control or activate it." You murmured beginning to play with your hands again. 


That was the last thig you heard from him. The rest of the walk was silent. 


You decided to go to the grave yard to look for Dazai. You knew how he would go there and talk to his old friend when he needed help with something, or he just missed him. But Dazai wasn't there.

You and Atsushi went to the Lupin bar to see if he was there.

Not there either. 

You checked your apartment.


"Not in there either?" Atsushi asked as you walked out of the apartment, closing the door behind you. 

"No. I don't know where he could be. For all we know he could be anywhere in Yokohama." You sighed. 

"Well we should get looking then." Atsushi said with a small smile. His smile was kind, and warm. It made you feel a little better about everything. 


The both of you split up and agreed to meet at the beach in a few hours, hopefully finding Dazai before sundown.

You took the quiet parts of Yokohama, while Atsushi took the more busier parts. You would think that if Dazai wanted to hide, he would be in the more quiet parts of the city. Wrong. He was most likely wondering around in the more louder and busier parts. That's just how Dazai's mind worked. But for all you know he could be outsmarting the both of you, hiding somewhere in the smaller parts of Yokohama. So you where going to look for him, just to make sure.

You wondered around, looking in everyway, making sure you didn't miss Dazai if he was around. You where somewhat scared though. You had never been in that part of the city, and you were in a vulnerable state. 


You whipped your head around, beginning to hear giggles from all around you. You moved your hand to your hip and grabbed your gun. 

You held your gun for a moment with both hands, before dropping it. A loud ringing noise appeared in the air. Your gun fell onto the hard concrete with a smack. You covered you ears and knelt down, closing your eyes. You heard two sets of foot steps coming up behind you. But you couldn't do anything. You were trapped

"It's time you come back home, Darling~" 



This chapter was fun to write :>

Next chapter on Friday (hopefully T_T)

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