One Piece to the Puzzle

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Song: Everyone Left - Puzzle


You shoved your hands in the pockets of Dazai's coat, shivering. Dazai put his arm around you and breathed out. It was now around 6:00 pm, you and Dazai had collected more information about the case before heading out to check the scene again.

It was fall, meaning it was getting colder outside. Dazai was never one to like the cold. He would rather be sitting  in a chair, wrapped up in a blanket with you on his lap. Ideal day for him. But that wasn't the case today.

You and Dazai soon arrived at the crime scene. There were a few people in the alley picking up samples, and examining the body and surrounding area. You and Dazai walked into the alley, only to be stopped by a police officer.

"Are you two certified to be here? This is a private investigation-"

"Yes. We are with the Armed Detective Agency." Dazai said cutting the man off.  The man glared at Dazai, as Dazai just smirked and walked past him. You followed. Making it to the back of the alley, you both climbed the ladder to the roof.

"What in the hell are they doing...?" The police officer mumbled watching you both stand up there and look around.

"Ranpo said that the box should be right around here...." You said walking over to a corner of the building. "I found it!" You smiled, picking up and little box.

"Nice~ we should be able to hand this over to the-"


A shot was fired.
A bullet flew right past Dazai's head. Dazai widened his eyes and stepped in front of you. You jumped and put your hand on the your gun, which was on you hip.

Dazai stood in front of you peering out to the direction that the bullet came in. He couldn't find anyone. "We are being watched, let's get out of here." He mumbled taking the box from your hand.

"Good idea." You replied.

You both walked back towards the ladder, still keeping an eye out. The killer knew that you would find the box.

Why would they put it there in the first place?

Did they want to get caught?

Was this all a part of their plan?

Dazai was thinking the same as you were, you were both somewhat confused. Why would the killer do that? You both had no idea.

Once getting back on solid ground, Dazai untied the robin on the box and opened it. Just like Ranpo had said...

"In that box you will find, a syringe with a deadly poison in it and a knife. But those were only minimal things used for the murder." - Ranpo

And that's what you had found. Dazai walked over to one of the person while were taking blood samples and explained everything to them. He gave the box to the person for testing. They left with the box as Dazai walked back over to you.

"Now we can take a brake~ They will have to run tests on the poison and knife to try and find the killer's identity." Dazai said wrapping his arm around your waist as you walked out of the alley.

"That was all we had to do? Shouldn't we-"

"Ah ah ah~ The scientists will find out who the killer is and we will be done with this case. We deserve a brake anyways, we've been working all day." He pouted.

"Fine.. I just feel like we should do more." You said sighing.

"Nope! There's nothing else we need to do. We can relax for a little while." He said rubbing your shoulder.

"Alright if you say so." You said taking a deep breath and relaxing a bit more.

"Since it will take the scientists a while to run the tests, I have an idea..." The corners of Dazai's mouth curved into a grin.


You and Dazai ended up at an apartment building with a little garage in the back. Dazai unlocked the garage.

"Who's garage is this..?" You asked peeking inside.

"Hmm~ A good friend's." Dazai cooed. He slid under the opening door and trotted over to a vehicle. You walked in and saw a sheet covering the vehicle. Dazai smirked and pulled the sheet off , revealing a bright red motorcycle.

"Chuuya Nakahara" You thought to yourself.

"Tonight will be a blast~!" Dazai exclaimed, throwing his arms up..

Little did he know, things would change by the end of the night...


Another short chapter🤧
The next chapter might take a while, but it should be out tomorrow : )

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