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"Why don't you remember me..?"

The white haired man hissed, stepping closer to you.

"I don't kn-"

"You should remember me." He said, almost laughing.

"I'm sorry I don't.." You mumbled, nervously leaning back.

"I'm Nikolai Gogol! Why don't you remember me..!" The man shouted.

Fyodor sat in his chair observing what was going on, with a small grin on his face.

The white haired man looked down at his hands for a moment, then back at you. Then he reached for his...face..?

"Nikolai Gogol! Why don't you remember me?!" He reached for the mask covering his right eye and took it off of his face. "Look! It's me!"

You looked closely at his face and tilted your head at him. "I don't know you, I'm sorry. I just wanted to ask because I-"

The male began to laugh, hysterically. You starred at him in confusion. Once he was done with his laughing fit, he turned around and faced Fyodor.

"You promised you wouldn't.." The white haired man scowled.

"I didn't promise you anything." Fyodor replied calmly.

"I told you not to.. I wanted to still have a place in their life, and you took that away from me."

"I did nothing." Fyodor remarked.

"YOU BRAINWASHED THEM AFTER YOU SAID YOU WOULDN'T." The white haired male shouted in Fyodor's face, throwing his mask on the ground. You sat their watching them. You still didn't understand why the white haired man was so upset. You were guessing that the both of you were close before. But why would Fyodor keep that from him if you were close to him?

"I never said I wouldn't and why does it matter anyways." Fyodor said calmly. He seemed like he wasn't fazed by the white haired man's yelling at all. 

"Because I actually cared for them! They deserved freedom and that's why I agreed to letting them go. But I never agreed to brainwashing them?! Now they don't even remember me." He shouted in response to Fyodor's question. 

"It wasn't up to you. I spoke to Kamui about what we should do, and we agreed on brainwash," Fyodor said, shrugging. The white haired man cursed under his breath, noticing the carelessness in Fyodor's tone. The male knew Fyodor didn't care. So what was the point in yelling at the purple haired man? There was no point. He glared at Fyodor one last time before turning back to you. He knelt down in front of you and sighed. 

"I'm Nikolai Gogol. And just don't forget me this time."


"You lost them?" 

"I- I did but there more to it. I was following them because you told me to keep an eye on them. They were doing fine, nothing weird, it looked like they were just looking for Dazai like you told us to. But they must have heard something, because they turned around and reached for their gun." Atsushi explained, almost breaking a sweat. "Not much later a loud ringing noise lingered in the air, they had dropped their gun and covered their ears, closing their eyes, and knelling down. I couldn't do anything, because the ringing was loud and I was beginning to get dizzy. But I knew I had to keep an eye on them." 

"Go on. There has to be more," Ranpo said, sighing. 

"There is," Atsushi said, "I heard two pairs of foot steps coming up and I tried to look at my surroundings to find out who it was. I couldn't see their faces but one was wearing a cape and a top hat from what I could tell, and the other also wearing a cape with fur but with shoulder length purple hair and red boots. The one wearing red boots lifted something and hit them in the back of the head with it. Hard enough to knock them out because they fell to the ground once the bat made contact with their head. The two men took them away before I could do anything.." Atsushi leaned back in his chair and gulped waiting for someone to say something. 

"Did you see where the two men took Y/N?" Kunikida questioned, rubbing his forehead.

"Kinda, they took Y/N in the direction of the shipping containers, by the docks. That's all I could see." Atsushi replied.  

"We will investigate around that area then. Splitting up into groups of two," Fukuzawa said, standing. 

"And Dazai, don't worry we will get them back." Fukuzawa said, looking down at Dazai who was sitting down next to him. 

Dazai sat at the table, his head rested in his fisted hands, he was starring intently at the table, not looking up or saying anything.. 

After Atsushi had seen you get taken away he decided to come back to the office to tell everyone what had happened. He met Dazai back at the office. The brunet had arrived at the agency not long before Atsushi had arrived. Terrible timing. If only Dazai could have been at the office an hour before, you would still be safe at the office. Of course, Dazai knew that. And of course, he felt guilty... 



I'm sorry for the wait and the short chapter! Also, about songs. I haven't been adding them in the last few chapters because I haven't found any good ones that really matched with the chapter :/

I've been super busy, but the next chapter will probably be out on Saturday.. (sorry for the waiting)

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