Meaningful Meeting

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Warnings: brief talk of suicide and self harm/drugs

And some references to the manga (spoilers??)


"Wake up" - B

"It's time" - S

"He is back" - N

"I'm back my darling~" - F

You gasped for breath, jumping awake. "Fuck.." You mumbled nuzzling your head back into your arms, not wanting to get up. Figuring out that those words were just a dream, you could be at peace and rest for a while longer.  You didn't remember a thing, and you didn't want to. You knew it wasn't something good so you avoided it feel awhile, before hearing some small chatter.

You looked up from your original pose and realized where you were. Everything came back to you once you saw that you were in the office. The motorcycle ride, having sex, and the fight.. You looked around and sighed, noticing that you weren't alone in the office. You could hear everyone's voices. Except for Dazai's. It made sense. He was probably off somewhere trying to off himself. You knew how he would get when things like this would happen.

He would get stressed, then start to feel numb. He would need to feel something after that, so he would attempt to off himself or hurt himself instead. You had talked him out of doing those things though. You had taken away all of his tools to do so. Because you were truly worried for him. You were scared that he would actually succeed in one of his attempts. You needed him in your life just as much as he needed you. And that's how the both of you stayed close, to the point where you were sleeping in the same bed..

You looked around the office, seeing no one around. Though you had just heard voices moments ago. You took the blanket off your back and stood up, drifting over to where the voices were coming from. They were coming from the meeting room. You cracked open the glass door and peeked inside.

"Come in Y/N. This meeting  involves you." Fukuzawa stated glancing in your direction.

"Oh ok.." You muttered, stepping in the room. You could fell everyone's stares burning a hole into your head as you sat down.

"We had just started this meeting, so your not late. But this is a very important meeting to say the very least." Fukuzawa said, "Ranpo has informed me about the case you and Dazai have been working on. We have come to the conclusion that Fyodor might be our reach."

You heart dropped.

"Fyodor..?" You questioned, not being sure that you heard Fukuzawa correct.

"Yes. From what Ranpo has told us the murder in the case you are investigating is connected to the group: The Rats in the House of the Dead. Which Fyodor is the leader of, but I'm going to assume you know that better then any of us."

You gulped, "Yes.."

"So, you were a part of that group huh?" Ranpo blurted out. Everyone looked at him, then back to you.

"Yes or no question." Fukuzawa said sternly.

"Yes. I was, but-"

"You were not only part of the Rat group, but the Decay of Angels too." Ranpo cut you off before you could even protest, "Don't lie to us." Considering that you were a part of the Decay of Angels would have made no sense to everyone else in the room. There are only a few people in that group and it's a very secret group. But Ranpo was never wrong. 

"I'm not going to lie." You stated, "I was a part of those groups, but I can't remember anything from that time. I wish I could, but  I just can't." This as new information for everyone in the room. No one had known where you had came from before joining the ADA. They would have never thought you would have been in with the Rats, and The Decay of Angels too..

Everyone in the room froze, with the new knowledge that one of their members was once with the main enemy.

"Does Dazai know of this?" Fukuzawa hesitantly questioned.

"No, sir." You responded, looking down at your fidgeting hands. You were nervous. This meeting could change the way everyone at the office sees you and you could risk losing your job at the ADA because of this connection to Fyodor. You had never told anyone about being a part of that group because you could recall anything from it.

Never even bringing up that fact once to Dazai.

You couldn't remember a thing from when you were there. The only things you could remember were things you saw in dreams. More so, night terrors. You remembered being used for your ability and your brain. Being tortured for every mistake you made. You were more of a pet to the four of them, in The Decay of Angels. But they all considered you as a member, because of your ability. You had no idea what your ability was.

"This is great information!" Ranpo exclaimed, scattering papers all over the table. Everyone's attention was  shifted to Ranpo.

"I'm going to guess that you were brain washed. In fact I know that you were brain washed. That's why you don't remember anything, including your ability. Your ability has been lost. And it's not coming back anytime soon. But we can benefit from this." Ranpo explained.

"How so?" Yosano asked, "If they can't remember anything from their time with the Decay of Angels and the Rats then how are they going to help in this situation?"

"Let me elaborate~" Ranpo cooed sitting back in his chair and propping his feet on the table. "You can remember things from dreams, correct?"

"Yes." You said looking back at Ranpo.

"Then you just need to dream about your time there and boom, so much more information." Ranpo smirked and crossed his arms.

"But Ranpo, it's not that easy to go to bed and dream about one specific thing" Jun'ichiro murmured.

"No see that's where things get interesting~" Ranpo hummed, "There are ways we can make that happen, we could use drugs. There are plenty out there that make people, dream, hallucinate, and many more. We just need to get ahold of those drugs and have Y/N take them."

"Ranpo.. Are you crazy..?" Kunikida asked. Everyone's eyes shifted across the table, from Kunikida to Ranpo.

"Well... That's only if Y/N wants to."



Sorry for the late update:( I've been busy..

This chapter kinda just threw a lot of brand new information at everyone lol.

Next chapter on Monday/Tuesday

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