Only the Beginning

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Changing the plot a little: The rest of the fic will have Dead Apple spoilers. It will be changed up quite a bit so not the exact plot of Dead Apple.


The white haired man had left a while ago. So had Fyodor. It was quiet now. Too quiet. Before you realized that the room you were in was rocking. You were out at sea. That, and being knocked out earlier gave you a headache.

"Dammit." You thought to yourself, walking around the stone room. The men had left you untied in the room, it seems they forgot to tie you back up or did it on purpose. Knowing Fyodor, it was most likely on purpose. But... There was no way that you could get out of the room. The only exit was a stone door with an iPad mounted up on the wall next to it. The screen was asking for a password to get out.

"Really..?" You muttered looking at the little screen. Deciding to think about that later, you started inspecting the door some more. It was a plain stone door with no handle or hinges. "All Tec, huh." You sighed, starting to think that there wasn't much to see with the door.

Looking back at the iPad, you noticed something taped to the underside of it. It was a piece of paper. You carefully took the tape off and grabbed the paper, there was writing on the backside that read:

"You remember your own birthday right?"

What kind of hint was that?

"Of course I remember my own birthday." Scoffing, you typed your birthday into the keypad.


Wrong Password.

"What... is it some type of riddle? Or.." You trailed off in confusion. With the note on the back of the iPad, it was almost giving you the wrong answer. To be a person who hates riddles, this was most likely going to take you a while.

"Hello darling. Would you like some help?"

You jumped and turned around, seeing no one there.

"Hidden cameras and speakers too?" You asked, slouching.

"Why of course."

"Seems like something you would do.."

"Really now?"

"Yes.." You mumbled, turning back to the stone door.

"Going back to my original question, would you like some help?"

"You're going to help me get out of here..?"

"Yes. This could be quite fun for someone like me.."

"Mhm.." You knew this was all some kind of trap. But there was no other way out of this room, "So,... About this door and note. It says 'You remember your own birthday right?', and I put my birthday in the key pad. But it was the wrong passcode."

"Yes I'm aware of that. I was watching. But are you sure you put in the right birthday?"

"What do you mean the right birthday? I put in my birthday.." You typed your birthday into the keypad again only for it to beep again and say that it was the wrong passcode.

"But was it the right one?"

"Are you saying I have the wrong birthday?"

"Maybe.. I guess there really isn't a way to tell you the right one though.. I'll just open the door for you."

"Wait, I want to talk about this. So you're saying that my birthday isn't really my actual—"


"That's a conversation for another day."

The stone door began to open slowly, inwards. You stepped back and peeked around the door. You stepped out of the room carefully and into a small hallway. You saw light at the end of one side and started heading that way, though they always say, "Don't go towards the light". You didn't feel like you were dead, so you kept going down the hallway.

You made it out of the relatively short hallway and walked into a room with a table in the middle of it... And Fyodor. He was wearing all white now. A completely different outfit than before.

"You finally made it, welcome, welcome." He said, opening his arms and crossing his legs, "Come sit my dear, I have a gift for you." You squinted at the man and cautiously made your way over to the table, taking a seat across from Fyodor.

"Don't be shy, I have a gift for you and also some information." The man said, sliding a box over to you. You didn't touch it, you waited for the man to speak again.

"Fine, be that way. I'll share this with you then you might consider opening my gift." He scowled, "To start with, we will be moving from this ship, to a big building. Sorry, but you won't be able to see where we go. Your little boyfriend will meet us there and help me with something..Then you will be free to go and live your happy little life. It's crazy to think that all of this came from a small murder case." He explained, simply.

"Really..?" You didn't believe a word the purpled haired man had just said.

"Mhm, why would I lie to you?" He asked with a pained expression on his face, "Y/N, you wound me."

"I'm assuming that you already found out that we are on a ship, near the city?"

"Yeah... You can feel it. It's not that hard to figure out.." You muttered, reaching for the box Fyodor had slid over to you.


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