Chapter 17

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Ok so I'm on vacation for a week so forgive  me if I miss an update.
Third POV

"Dinner's ready!" Jaemin shouted as he placed the last dish on the table.

By the time they finished, everyone except Jeno and Jaemin had finished showering.

And Jisung finally noticed that his phone was missing so he was obviously spending his time search for it.

Chenle knew what Jisung was doing so he let out a loud laugh which surely startled the youngest.

"Jisung what are you doing?" Jeno asked once he noticed their youngest wasn't sitting at the dinner table. "Come and eat."

"Hyung I can't find my phone." Jisung frowned, walking towards the table where Jeno was.

"Oh." Jeno simply answered. "Did you check your pockets from earlier?"

"That's the first place I checked." Jisung sighed, taking a seat at the table where everyone except Jaemin was since he was taking his shower. "I'll just find it later." Jisung temporarily admitted defeat.

Everyone then started eating the delicious dinner Jeno and Jaemin made after Jaemin got out the shower. Obviously they was talking to one another.

Once they finished eating, it was Haechan's and Mark's turn to wash the dishes.

"What should we watch?" Renjun asked as he took a seat on couch, Chenle following behind except he sat on the single couch.

"I really don't care hyung." Jisung replied as he sat next to the omega on the couch.

Jeno wasn't there since it was actually his turn to shower since he was the last one.

Jaemin walked to the living room after drinking a cup of water and sat down on the couch as well.

Couch order from left to right:
Jaemin - Renjun - Jisung

"Let's watch something scary!" Haechan suggested as he walked in the living room with Mark behind him.

"That's not a bad idea." Renjun said as he looked through the horror genre on Netflix.

"Hyung no I get scared easily~" Chenle complained in a whiny voice, holding his blanket tighter.

"Too bad." Haechan laughed. He then noticed that all the seats were taken. "Damn not at y'all making me and Mark sit on the floor." Haechan jokingly said as he sat on the floor in front of Renjun with Mark next to him.

But Renjun didn't catch the joking tone Haechan used.

"Yah Chenle let Mark and Haechan sit there." Renjun gestured Chenle to stand up.

"But where will I sit?" Chenle asked but he still stood up to let Mark and Haechan sit there who actually hesitated at first but then quickly sat down after getting a glare from Renjun.

(Haechan is sitting on Mark's lap)

"Hey guys. What I miss?" Jeno asked as he walked into the living room after his shower.

As a habit, Jaemin reached his hand out for the omega, Jeno accepting the hand as Jaemin pulled him closer towards him and hugged him by the waist.

"Nothing much. Just deciding what movie to watch and seating arrangements." Jisung answered.

"Well we all know Jeno is sitting with me." Jaemin spoke up as he pulled Jeno onto his lap which the omega didn't protest at all but instead got comfortable.

"Hey—" Renjun was cut off.

"And Chenle can just sit with Jisung." Haechan snickered since he knew how those two would react to that idea.

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