Chapter 4

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New updateeeeee
Third POV

"Jeno?" / "Jaemin?" The two spoke at the same time after bumping into each other.

And it appears Jaemin recognized the older as well after all this time.

"You changed a lot Jaemin-ssi." Jeno spoke after seeing the alpha with now platinum blonde hair. "And you're way taller than before." Jeno said after examining Jaemin's height.

"You haven't changed at all Jeno-ah." Jaemin smiled. "Still a cute little omega." Jaemin chuckled, ultimately making fun of Jeno's height, making Jeno pout.

"I'm not that short and I'm not cute." Jeno cutely glared at the alpha, causing him to chuckle even more.

Even though they didn't see each other for literal years, it wasn't awkward at all but rather playfully instead.

"Stop telling lies Jeno-ah." Jaemin tsked. "Now let's get going." Jaemin tugged Jeno's hand.

"W-what? Where are we going?" Jeno asked, not noticing they were super close to his house.

"Your house obviously." Jaemin answered, the two now standing in front of the older's house. "Now unlock the door."

Though he was being quiet, Jeno quickly unlocked and pulled the alpha inside. Jeno had a million questions in his head for the alpha. And he couldn't wait to get the answers for them.

"Jaemin you're finally here!" Jeno's mother said once she spotted the alpha.

"Mom you knew?" Jeno was in disbelief since his mom didn't tell him at all. "Why didn't you tell me?" Jeno pouted, the alpha cooing at how cute the omega looked.

"Well I mean I tried to this morning but you were late and had to leave already." She argued. "Jaemin how have you been? How was life in America?" She asked, leading the boys to the living room.

Jeno crossed his arms and was pouting while the alpha who sat next to him was smiling like a gentleman for his mother.

"It was just fine though I rather be here because of Jeno Hyung." Jaemin patted Jeno's leg, rubbing it up and down a bit afterwards. "I missed my best friend."

"Stop." Jeno mumbled, pushing Jaemin's hand away who put his hand back to rest on the omega's leg. "And I missed you too." Jeno leaned his head on the alpha's shoulder.

"Aish you two were always so adorable back then and still are today." Jeno's mother cooed at the boys. "Now where is that mother of yours?"

"She was with Dad at the company but I'm not sure if they're still there. They should be coming over soon though." Jaemin answered.

Ding dong!

"And I'm guessing that's them." Jeno's mother stood up. "Now while I finish cooking dinner, you guys can go talk upstairs in Jeno's room or down here." She said before heading towards the door again.

"Let's go to my room." Jeno stood up and grabbed Jaemin's hand which the alpha allowed and dragged him upstairs to his room.

"Wow Hyung." Jaemin said after entering the room. "Your room changed more than you did."

"Stop making fun of me." Jeno pouted, taking a seat on his bed. "Sit down." He tugged Jaemin down next to him.

"I'm guessing you have questions?" Jaemin questioned which Jeno nodded his head to.

"When did you come back?" Jeno asked, looking at Jaemin with his puppy eyes though it was unintentional.

"Just yesterday. And this time I'm staying for good this time." Jaemin replied. "Hopefully." He added.

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