Chapter 5

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Third POV

It was Saturday so Jeno didn't have to wake up early at all. But the ringing of his phone caused to groan and open one eye, picking up his ringing phone.

"Hi Baekhyun Hyung." Jeno yawned, laying back down and closing his eyes again.

"Jeno I need a favor!" Baekhyun frantically said. "I need you to work the opening shift for today. Taeil has an emergency so—"

"Sure thing Hyung. I don't mind." Jeno then sat up, rubbing his eye to he stays awake.

"Thanks Jeno-ah. I'll give you another day off sometime this week." Baekhyun thanked the younger before hanging up to let him get ready.

Luckily Jeno didn't mind working or waking up early on the weekend. So he quickly got ready and left for work, obviously telling his parents where he was going.

He reached the cafe without much trouble and inside the cafe was Doyoung getting everything ready for opening.

"Hyung!" Jeno smiled, happy to see Doyoung who he rarely saw because of the older being in college.

"Jeno-ah!" Doyoung smiled as well, opening his arms to give Jeno a hug which he accepted and hugged back. "It's been a while since I last saw you."

"That's not my fault. It's your fault." Jeno joked with the older, Doyoung making an offended face. "You're always doing something for college."

"I guess you're right." Doyoung sighed. "Now let's get this place ready for opening."

Doyoung and Jeno quickly got the cafe ready which didn't take long since the cafe was already clean from yesterday.

An hour or two passed and Jeno was humming a song when a familiar scent entered his nose. Jeno, thinking that it was one of his friends, looked up from what he was doing and saw Jaemin walking in, looking around the cafe.

"Jaeminie?" Jeno questioned once Jaemin was in front of the cashier, not noticing that the omega was in front of him.

"Oh Hyung I didn't know you worked here." Jaemin was surprised.

"Yeah I do. Now what can I get you?" Jeno asked.

"An iced coffee with four shots of espresso please." Jaemin said as if that was a normal amount of coffee to consume, handing Jeno his credit card.

"F-four?!" Jeno stuttered. "That's not good for you Jaemin-ah." Jeno scolded the younger but still took his card and swiped it, handing it back to Jaemin.

"Hey it tastes good." Jaemin argued, putting his credit card back in his wallet.

Jeno rolled his eyes and began working on his coffee since Doyoung was in the back right now. Luckily there was no line right now.

"Here's your monster drink." Jeno placed the drink in front of the alpha,

"Hey it's not a monster." Jaemin argued, drinking it and sighing in content.

"As long as you like it I guess." Jeno shrugged, going back to the front where someone new arrived.

"Hyung when do you finish working?" Jaemin asked once Jeno finished serving the customer.

"Umm I think around noon." Jeno replied. "I don't usually work on the weekends so let me ask my Hyung."

Jeno then went to the back where Doyoung was organizing everything.

"Hyung what time does this shift end?" Jeno asked after getting the older's attention.

"At noon. Do you have somewhere you have to go soon?" Doyoung asked.

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