Why are You here While She's There?

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The smoke was rising in furious bits of ash and embers. It comforts me to think that it is the mountain that's on fire. Even though that isn't at all the case. We had just taken out the sniper that came after the explosion. Octavia hadn't asked any questions and neither have I. But I have a feeling it's coming soon.

"Bell I need to know if Clarke's ok. What happened?" So it begins.

I close my eyes and tell my self it's going to be okay. I need to do this without breaking. If I break so with O if O breaks the world ends. I take a deep breath and explain.

"When I was in the mountain they found out that I wasn't a grounder. They took me into this room with a window in it. Clarke was on the other side. This guy named Cage he.... He did something to her. Like some form of torture or surgery.

"Surgery?" Octavia looked at me scared to death.

"Yeah. He made me watch...." My eyes wander to the fire to the ground back to Octavia. "A girl named Maya got me out. She's on our side. We were about to get out when he came. She couldn't move when she saw him. She was different. She looked so...innocent. So peaceful. She pushed me out before the doors closed. I don't know if they're hurting her or if she's dead. The last thing I saw was cage kissing her and she went unconscious. I don't know why they need her. I don't even know why she was there!" I was shouting now and Octavia was looking at me as if I was a young boy who had lost his dog.

I look over to see Lincoln has left, and Lexa who had been staring me down all day now couldn't look me in the face. Her second on the other hand held a deadly glare on me. I look back to Octavia who opens her mouth to say something but quickly closes it.

"But is she okay?" Lexa says not looking me in the face.

"Does it look like I know!" I yell.

She cringes and so does Octavia.

"Bellamy Clarke is smart she's tough she's going to be fine she just has to hold on for a bit longer. The wars starting soon. Raven found a way to turn off the acid fog." She puts her hand on my shoulder.

"But that's just it. She's not Clarke. She's different. I keep telling you Cage did something to her. He messed with her head! She can't hold out for long! He stuck needles in her brain and scrambled it! He did it right in front of me. He changed her name! And worst of all she chose to be with him. She could have escaped but she didn't, she pushed me away and chose to be with him!"

I snapped. And worse I did it in front of her. Clarke's best friend. My sister. I can see the hurt and shock in her eyes. She pulls her hand away.

"Clarke left you?" Her voice is barely a whisper.

"I told you it was barely her." I get in her face and look her in the eyes. "Clarke isn't Clarke. He changed her. She's not Princess anymore."

I can't take it anymore. I stand up and start to walk away. I look over at Lexa to see shes..... Crying? Yeah crying.

"It's my fault. I told her love is weakness. She should have listened." She looks up to me as if placing the blame back to me.

It takes everything I have not to slap her. If she hadn't wanted to hurt Finn then Clarke wouldn't of had to kill him. If Finn hadn't died I wouldn't be able to of kissed her but i would have my princess. If she hadn't told her love is weakness she wouldn't have sent me in there. She wouldn't of gone in there for me. Right that's why she came? She can't just leave out her feelings. That's not who she was. Is. Clarke isn't gone. She's stepped out. But I'm going to get her back. The world needs her.

I storm into the woods leaving Octavia and Lexa at our make shift camp. I stare up at the stars and think of how she can't see them. She can't even breath real air. Float in water or feel the sun on her skin.

"You left her there." I lift my head to see Alexa's second, Noah.


"Clarke went because of you. And you just left her there. Left her with that man." He spits

"I did everything I could." I shake my head.

"Then why are you here and Clarke's there?! Why isn't she safe?!"

"Noah calm down. I'm going to figure it out. I'm going to save her." Why is he freaking out he barely knew Clarke. "I didn't know you and Clarke even knew each other."

"I know her. I know she would do anything for her people. Even if it costed her her life."

"Go back to camp Noah." He does a half growl half grunt and trudges back to the fire leaving me to my thoughts.

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