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Y/n's POV

I was waiting for Monday in front of the company. We planned a date after her practice. The people who walked by were staring at me. I hate being seen in public.

Somebody covered my eyes suddenly.

"Who am I?" A childish voice asked me but it was easy to recognize that it was the sound of Jimin.

"My future wife." I smiled and turned around. The beauty of my girlfriend is so flashed me. I still can't believe I'm together with a handsome person.

We started to walk in any direction.

"How long were you waiting for me? I hope I didn't keep you waiting for too long." She looked at me and squeezed my cheeks.

"Nope, you didn't keep me waiting. Ouch..." Her squeezes slowly started to hurt but all I could hear was her laugh. I got a déjà vu about the first time she laughed in front of me. Gosh, her laugh is like nobody else's laugh... my heart started pounding so hard.

"Sorry hehe. Let's grab something to eat. You must be hungry after this waiting." She let my cheeks go and put her arm around my shoulder. We went to the nearest restaurant. We took our seats and looked through the menu.

"What do you want, Y/n?" My lovely girlfriend looked at me with her brown eyes but she had her glasses on. SO CUTE.

"I don't care... I take the same you eat." I responded but Jimin was thinking.

"Hello. How may I help you today?" The waitress came happily and I looked through the menu again.

"We would eat Samgyeopsal together." Monday told the waitress and she immediately took our order and went to the kitchen.

"Samgyeopsal is a great idea." I told her and she smiled. I think, she's proud of herself.

"Well, let's change the topic. How about the wedding thing you wanted to tell me?" She asked me curiously.

"Mhm? You jelly~?" I moved my eyebrows. She just crossed her arms and looked at me grumpily.

It's cute and scary at the same time.

"I'll tell you later, baby. Don't worry~" I told her but she didn't give up.

"Why can't you tell me that?" She kept asking me that. "I thought I could trust you. Why wouldn't you tell me this thing?!"

"Because it's a secret. The more people know about this secret, the more dangerous it gets. Baby, I understand that. I totally trust you with it but I don't want you to get in trouble."

"But you would risk Jihan, Soeun and Zoa for that." She responded angrily and looked through the window.

How does she know that? Soeun would probably prank Monday but would never say that. I can trust Zoa because she would mind her own business and Jihan... she would never tell that Monday...

"How do you know?"

"Don't need to tell you." She whispered.

"Here your leaves, rice, the Samgyeopsal and grill for you." The waitress came back with our order.

"Oh and don't forget the glasses. Here's water, sprite, coke. Are you old enough for alcohol?" The waitress asked us but we denied that we're old enough for it. We don't want Monday to get into a scandal.

We ate our food but this was awkward... this atmosphere between us was horrible.

I know, Monday deserves the truth but the thing is, Jimin would easily get manipulated by Mark and get all the information from her. I know everything is safe in her hands but when it comes to me... I know she has a huge soft spot for me.

We were finishing with the food until I felt a pat on my shoulder.

"Hello, ladies."

I recognized the voice... it's a male's voice... everyone could easily recognize this... No, please... don't be this person.

"Mark. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!" I took his hand off and he smiled.

"Oh, did I interrupt your date? Sorry but you two looked really cute together. I still want to invite you to my wedding." He smirked like a fucking pervert. His existence is disgusting.

"Oh, Monday. A familiar face... You can come to my wedding too if your little girlfriend doesn't cancel my wedding." Mark took her hand but she smacked it away. That's my girl.

"Leave us alone, Mark." I told him but he just laughed.

"Not until you tell me your plan to cancel my wedding." He put his hands on the table and looked at me.

"She doesn't have a plan, okay. Why the fuck would she?" Monday was so close to punch him but asked for a waitress to kick him off since I told her not to punch anybody.

"I'm not finished with you, Y/n. Your little perfect relationship with Monday makes me angry and if you disturb my wedding with your other friends... HAHA. YOU'LL SEE" He took our raw meat and ate it while going out of the restaurant.

The other people in restaurant looked at him like he's a creep and Monday and I sat back on our chairs.

"Is this the wedding you didn't want to tell me?" She realized it too.

"You know, Mark is a fucking psycho so what should I do? Tell you so he can threaten you too?"

"Y/n." She whispered in my ear. "We're fucking dating. So I EXPECT THAT HE THREATENS BOTH OF US." She raised her voice and I just looked at down.

"I didn't want you to get involved to that..."

"Y/n..." She hugged me. I hugged her back and sobbed on her shoulder.

"Don't cry, my big cry baby." she patted my head and I hugged her even tighter.

"I'm sorry. You should know the truth..." I looked at her while she wiped my tears.

"We're gonna pop into the church and Tzuyu-unnie confesses her true love to Sana infront of everybody. Sana will say yes and goes away with her. The girls and I take them with us."

"Why are Soeun, Zoa and Jihan involved with this?" Jimin asked furthermore.

"The thing is, there's also a plan B if they don't marry in the church where you can easily pop there. Mark has never seen Soeun before. Okay, so Jihan and Zoa will come to the wedding. It's a low but still a percentage that he recognizes Jihan and Zoa. They will go to his wedding party as the guests instead of me. Mark has bodyguards who will definitely turn the attention to Jihan and Zoa." Monday nodded.

"Soeun will also appear at the party and ask everyone where the marriage ceremony room is. Of course, only the guests. If she got information, she'll send us the information and we're gonna pop up there." I told her the plan.

"So this is the second reason why you wouldn't take me to the plan. He doesn't know Soeun." Monday understood it.

"Exactly. He knows too much about you so I shouldn't take you but I need somebody he definitely saw which is Zoa and Jihan. Since I heard you and Zoa were strong, I asked Jihan who's the third strongest. Well, Soeun is strong too."

"I can tell now. You don't want him to threaten me this way... I'm so sorry, Y/n." She apologized but I shook my head.

"I'm sorry that I kept this as a secret." I told her and hugged her.

"What if the girls and I won't succeed?" I questioned that myself.

"Don't worry. Your plan sounds amazing." Monday hugged me and patted my head.

"You're my safe place." I looked into her eyes when I whispered that to her.

"And you're my favourite person, Y/n darling." She smiled. The warmest and most beautilful smile on someone who makes my heart pounding crazy...

When we first locked our eyes✔ | Monday x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now