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"Monday?" I whispered underneath my breath as I was sitting in the corner with my knees in front.

"Let's practice now. We wasted too much time." Monday said confidently and not even pay attention to her surrounding.

"Okay." All of them said and were standing in front of the mirror. They positioned themselves and some of them were looking on at the mirror. It was a matter of time when Monday notices me.

When the music started to play, the seven girls moved their hands and danced to the music. I was surprised and amazed. They were so synchronized and have a great body control. Wow.

Sometimes I stared at the girls' beauty. Not gonna lie, they're all pretty and talented...
I took my phone and started to scroll on social media because I was afraid if they've caught me staring at them. It would've been awkward...

When I looked up from my phone, I saw in the mirror that Monday was looking at me. She immediately looked away and continued dancing professionally. My body was kind of heating up.

Have we had an eyecontact through the mirror?

"Wooohooo!!" the three girls started clapping.

"That was an intense but good day." Jihan talked excited to them while I just smiled at her. She's been living her dream.

"Hey." someone besides me asked. I shrugged a little but turned to the person.


"Why are you here?" Monday looked at me serious.

"Erm, Jihan invited me to come here... so yeah. I've been waiting for her to watch your practice." I explained nervously.

"Jihan." Monday shouted.

"Yes?" Jihan turned to us. Monday also grabbed Soeun's attention, so Jihan and Soeun came.

"Why do you bring a stranger to the company?"

"She's not a stranger. Her name is y/n and she's my best friend. Y/n promised me to watch me." As she was putting her arm around my shoulder.

"Y/n. What a beautiful name." Soeun smiled at me. "I'm Soeun."

"Thank you Soeun, you have a beautiful name as well."

"Y/n?" Monday thought, "Were you the one in the restroom at the mall? You seem so familar to me."

"WAIT WHAT?!" Jihan screamed so I tried to cover her mouth.

"No no. You must've been mistaking me. I wasn't at the mall." Jihan grabed my hand, but I resisted.

"Oh really? Okay..."

Jihan suddenly licked my hand and I immediately took it of her.

"EWWW JIHYO!" I playfully slapped her arm.

"THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE FOR PUTTING YOUR DIRTY HAND ON MY FACE. BLEH." she sticked her tongue out, so I started to stand up and chase her.

"I'M THE CLEANEST PERSON COMPARED TO YOU!" I shouted to Jihan while she was screaming. The other girls were chuckling.

"What a cute friendship." I could hear that from Monday's mouth. I was paralyzed by her voice because she sounds angelic.

"AAAAAAAAAAAH THANKS!!!" Jihan quickly ran out of the room.

"Argh, this girl. She forgot her things." I turned to our backpacks and drinks in the corner.

"It's okay. We can take her stuff to the dorm." Soeun said.

"Thanks guys. I really enjoyed your performance but I need to go now." I turned to them and said Goodbye.

"Wait." Soojin stopped me. "It's going to be dark outside, you shouldn't go home by yourself."

"It's okay, I'm not weak and I already know that men are gross." I laughed and took my stuff.

"Should I go with you?" Jaehee asked me.

"But we're the same age, haha."

"Yeah." She realized and looked back to her phone.

"Well. I can go with you, if you don't mind." Monday asked. The others were shocked.

"Monday volunteers to go with somebody? That's not Monday like." Jiyoon said and Soeun and Jiyoon trembled.

"Let's go, Y/n. Don't mind them." She took me out of the room. We went out of the company.

"I'm sorry, Monday-unnie." I nervously said that to her while going through the streets. The streets seem so different in the evening.

"Ah, it's fine. I felt bad for you when Jihan left you without coming back." She replied calmly with her hands in her pocket.

Monday seems like a sweet and caring person.

"How did you become friends with our little Jihan?" I got out of my thoughts and replied.

"Well, Jihan and I became friends on the first day of high school. She's my seatmate and Jihan as an extrovert, asked me if we could be friends. Then things between us happened." I explained it to her.

"What kind of things?" Monday turned to me and raised her eyebrow.

"OH NO. LIKE FRIENDS STUFF. SHE'S MY BEST FRIEND NOW..." I panicked and covered my face, because I started blushing hard.

AHHH, so awkward. Y/n, why did you say that?

All I could hear was Monday's laugh. Wow... her laugh is so adorable. I looked to her and she held her stomach, because she laughed too hard.

"Mianhae, mianhae, hahahaha. Your reaction was so funny. You're really something, Y/n." she smiles at me.

"I hate you." I lightly pushed her and she pushed me back.

"You hate me now? On the first day we met each other?" she grinned and put her arm around my shoulder.

"You're getting way too comfortable with me." I whispered to her while starring into her brown eyes.

"True. You're different, Y/n." Monday whispered to me back.

I don't know why, but I could hear my heart pounding harder after her saying these words. I can't fall in love with her now, not yet...

"You're like a little sister to me, Y/n." she squished my cheeks and gave me a big smile.


I've never felt so damn heartbroken before. Not even my ex girlfriends before made me feel this kind of heartbroken.

"Haha, yeah. Oh, here's my house. I hope, you'll have a safe way back home." I waved her and smiled at her. She waved back and turned around.

The silhouette of her back was dreamy... But I can't. She's a member of my best friend. Monday is a Kpop Idol. I can't fall in love so quickly. No. She's pretty for a reason. Y/n, it's only a little crush in your head. You also haven't moved on from her.

I opened the door, "I'm back".

"Welcome home, Y/n!"

When we first locked our eyes✔ | Monday x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now