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"HELLOOO EVERYONE!" Jihan shouted through the room.

"I brought you some milkshakes." I smiled and showed them the milkshakes.

"MILKSHAKES? Uuuuuuh!" Zoa stood up and helped me out to take them.

"Where are the members?" Only Zoa, Soeun, Jihan and I were in the room.

"Ah, they're coming later. Shooting will take a little longer for them. Don't worry." Soeun said before she took a sip of the vanilla milkshake.

"Why did you get one strawberry and two chocolates?" Zoa asked me while sipping on the vanilla one.

"Well, I know Jihan likes strawberry. I like chocolate and I have a feeling that one of you likes chocolate, so I ordered two. In addition, if y'all don't like chocolate, I'll take it. More chocolate milkshake for me." I grinned and grabbed a chocolate milkshake.

"That's clever." Soeun said and Jihan and Zoa nodded while sipping their milkshakes.

"Well, let's party. The member will join us later then."


"Hey guys, mianhae that we're late. The traffic was the worst too." Monday opened the door and I turned my body to her.

"Shh. The girls are sleeping." I stood up slowly from Jihan's arms and went out of the room.

"What about the other members?" I asked and she laughed. "The other members also went to bed."

"Ah, really?" I chuckled, "Well, the girls and I danced the whole time when you and the other were absence."

"Really? Ahhh, I wanted to join you so badly." We both laughed and looked at each other.

"So what are your plans for the weekend?" She leaned her body to the wall. Monday... gosh, I hope you catch me, when I fall for you deeply.

"Nothing much. I think, I'll study more and listen to music. Jihan has a shooting this whole weekend so I can't spend time with her this time." I looked at the ceiling but I found Monday's brown, beautiful eyes back to mine, "What about you Monday-unnie?"

"Same as Jihan. But we should meet up one time." Her words were crushing into my heart. Meeting up with her? Only a seconds with her are barely bearable for me but a whole day with her?

"Sure. Do you have my number?" I answered calmly and smiled.

"Nope, but we can exchange our numbers." she took out her phone and gave me her number.

"Well. I guess, I'll text you tomorrow." I put my phone into my pocket again.

"I'll be waiting for your message." Monday laughed cutely. She's a different kind of lovely person.

"How tall are you actually?" I asked as I looked up to her.

"I haven't messured myself but the last time I've got messured for a video, I was 1,73m."

"EH- so tall. I envy you.."

"Really? How small are you?" she tried to hold back her laugh.

"Hey!" I slapped her arm, "I'm not that small."

"Yes. Sure, shortie." she chuckled again.

"I'm 1,67cm." I said and she looked at me in the eyes from above.

"You're really tiny." She commented and smiled at me.

"I'm funsized." I crossed my arms and looked up to her.

"Well. Shouldn't you go home?" Monday said suddenly and I looked on my phone.

"It's 1am. It's fine. My mom wouldn't be terrified when I come back next day. Jihan said I could go home at 3am, but obviously she went to bed first."

"Haha. Well, you can't go alone at 1am. Dangerous people are outside in this hour." Monday told me and raised her arms.

"I can. I'm not a princess peach who get kidnapped everytime, also I'm independent and strong enough to kick these bitches." I started to laugh.

"But are you stronger than me?" She smirked and grabbed my hand suddenly.

"I'm never mistaken. I'll smash your hand." I tilted my head and put pressure on her hand.

"Well, let's see. Y/n."

Fuck, my name sounds so good out of her mouth.

"We'll see, Jimin-unnie." I stared into her eyes and we pressed our hands so hard until one of us gave up.

"OUCH OUCH." Monday shouted and I immediately stopped.

"Be quiet." I giggled silently and looked at our hands. They were both purple.

"I go to the gym too." I winked at her.

"I can feel that." Monday laughed quietly and looked at her purpleish hand.

"Oh shoot, I hope it won't stay purple until tomorrow." I slowly touched her hand.

"Ouch. It hurts kinda."


"Mianhae, I shouldn't have done it. I feel so guilty! You have a shooting tomorrow."

"It's fine, Y/n. It's my fault actually, I took your hand first." she chuckled and checked the condition of her hand.

"We should go to the bathroom and take warm water, so your blood can start to flood again." She did what I said and it seems to work.

"Ah, let your arm rest. I'll join you tomorrow by the shooting. I feel too guilty for nearly breaking your arm." I feel like her hamd will swell.

"It's not the worst, Y/n. It's not that you broke my hand. I still can move it." she showed her hand moving.

"Okay, but I'll still check your condition tomorrow!"

"Fine." she obeyed me and I started smirking. Monday and I left the bathroom and went out off the dorm.

"Well. See you tomorrow then, Y/n." She waved me.

"See you tomorrow, Monday-unnie." I said goodbye and went through the streets.


I jumped and flipped around. I am so happy what happened today. A GOOD PARTY AND ALSO A CHANCE TO MAYBE MEET HER UP. KDBFHDJDNNN AAAAAH

Okay, calm your gay hormones down y/n. She's not yours now. Let's arrive at my house then.

Sana's POV

I was just walking through the streets with the members until I saw Y/n on the other side of the street.

"Isn't that Y/n?" Nayeon pointed to the direction.

"Ah yes." I answered and ignored y/n.

"Why are you still doing this?" Nayeon suddenly asked me.

"What do you mean?"

"Why did you lie to her the time that you were in love with one of the members? You still haven't told me."  She looked at me confused.

"It's because I want to know, how fast she would come back to me. I thought we were meant to be, but she seems to have a new crush." I pointed at the stupidly jumping person.

"That's not a cool way to test somebody. Maybe she loved you truely but started to realize that she needs to move on."

"Well. I'll just keep my distance until she gets heartbroken by her crush. I want to hear this phrase again." I crossed my arms.

When we first locked our eyes✔ | Monday x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now