Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

“Umm, a bird!”

Renee shook her head.

“A… umm….”

She looked hilarious, flapping her arms like wings, standing on one foot.

Renee, Phil, Renesmee, and I were playing charades in the living room. Renee had wanted to play on the front porch, because it was sunny. Edward had saved us by saying that Renesmee gets sunburnt easily, even though she glitters in the sunlight.

Renee had spent over an hour trying to convince Edward to play too, but what she didn’t know, was that it wasn’t fair for Edward to play, since he can read minds and all.

“A FLAMINGO!” Nessie screamed, and Renee tapped her own nose.

I gasped. “You said it wasn’t a bird!”

My mother laughed. “It wasn’t! It was a flamingo!”

Edward sat in the corner, keeping his laughter in.

“A flamingo is a bird!” I said, laughing.

“Oh well! Bella it’s your turn!”

I groaned.

“Hun, you gotta go sometime!” She encouraged.

Ring, ring, ring…


Edward pulled his cell phone out of his pocket, and flipped it open, bringing it to his ear. “Hello Carlisle.” He said politely.

Edward gave me a knowing look. Confused, I lowered my shield.

He played what Carlisle was saying in my head.

We caught their scent. It could be the one delivering the threats.

“When did you find out?”

Emmett was hunting, and just came home with the news.

“Okay. Thank you for telling us. We’ll be there soon.” Edward was obviously guarding his words, making the conversation sound normal, and not like a vampire was on the prowl.

Edward snapped his phone shut. “Bella, may I speak with you for a moment?”

The room had an awkward silence.

“Um yeah.” I stood up and walked with Edward into the other room.

Edward stood close to me, his face tense.

“What’s wrong?”

“The rest of the family caught the scent of a vampire, one we have not seen before. They may be part of the Volturi, or they may be the one sending these threats. But we must return home; the others need us.”

I nodded. “What do we tell Renee?”

“Follow my lead.”

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