Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

“Good night you two lovebirds!” Renee chirped, and closed the spare bedroom door.

“Lovebirds.” I chuckled.

“Tweet.” Edward said, and sat on the edge of the bed.

I laughed. “So what is on the agenda for tonight? Renesmee is in her own room, Renee is asleep…?” I asked.

“I don’t need to hunt…” Edward hinted.

“Neither do I.” I giggled, as he slowly leaned towards me and our lips met.

I’ve known Edward for years, and I still feel sparks when I kiss him. I guess that’s what true love is.

We fell backwards silently on the bed.

“I love you,” Edward whispered in my ear.

The night went on.

“Renesmee is coming.” Edward whispered, and we pulled apart from each other reluctantly. I turned on my side, looking as if I was sleeping. I heard fake snores from Edward.

I heard the door knob turn, and the door creaked. “Mommy?” I heard her adorable voice.

I had to stay still.

“Momma!” She giggled, and bounced up on our bed, between us.


Edward broke first. He turned over and I heard her squeal. “Good morning, Princess.”

I turned over also, and Nessie giggled and hugged me. “Hi Nessie.” I smiled.

Edward is such a softy to Renesmee. I swear, she could ask him for anything in the world, even the moon, and he would find a way to give it to her.

“Mommy, can I go wake up Grammy?” She asked, exited.

I smiled. “That would just make her day. Of course you can.”

She shrieked again, and bursted out of the room.

“Grammy!” We heard her giggle from the other room.

There was a moment of silence, we were listening to Renee’s reaction.

“Oh baby girl, good morning!” The happiness was unmistakeable in her voice. “Let’s go make some pancakes, huh?”

I wondered when Renee learned to cook. Her cooking wasn’t always… edible, when I lived with her. Now, according to Nessie, she’s the best.

“Okay!” I heard little pitter-patters of her footsteps down the stairs, then the louder ones from Renee.

“I guess we should help, huh?” I broke the silence.

Edward laughed and got out of bed. “I guess so.” He reached for his pants.

“Why are you getting dressed?” I asked.

He looked at me, dumbfounded.

I explained. “We always eat breakfast in pajamas here.”

He smiled, and slipped his pajama pants back on. “Yes, ma’am.” He fake saluted.

I laughed, and yanked a brush through my hair. “C’mon!” I yelled, and ran down the stairs, making sure to keep a human speed.

He was right behind me when we entered the kitchen.

“Hey, Mom.” I smiled.

“Good morning Bella! Hi Edward!” I heard my mom’s heart beat faster as her eyes rested on Edward. I turned, to see him shirtless.

“Wow, Bella, I see why you married him.” My mom whispered in my ear.

“That’s only his top half.” I giggled in her ear.

I knew Edward would hear that. I said that for his benefit.

“Grammy, how do you crack an egg?” Renesmee said in her delicate voice. Renee giggled from what I said, and helped Nessie kindly.

“I just love how she calls me Grammy.” Renee told us.

Renesmee was taking a nap on the living room couch after eating way too much pancaked for her little body to handle.

“It’s so adorable.” I said, and smiled.

“It’s like the Grammy Awards on TV,” Edward laughed.

“Oh my, do I win a Grammy?” Renee acted.

We all laughed, and watched Renesmee sleep.

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