Chapter 25 || Scathing words

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Don't tell me listen to your song

because it isn't the same

~Waiting Game 


She had completely taken his breath away. He stared dumbfounded as he watched her sprint away. His mind replayed the panic in her eyes before she left. He watched as she rushed inside the doors before he slumped against the pillar.

Her thoughts went into panic mode as she thought about what she did. She kissed Ian. She kissed Ian Night. 

She kissed Adonis' best friend.

And she pushed him away and literally ran away from him. 

Gods, she was a mess.

She felt like she somehow cheated on Adonis. She felt like she betrayed him and Isa. She felt guilt settle in her stomach as she looked at Isa across the room, soundly sleeping on Evelyn's shoulder.

Knowing that she wouldn't be able to face neither the De Costa's nor the Rodriguez and not wanting to risk encountering Ian, she headed towards her room. Her mind was running a million thought at second. She felt happiness, sadness, the high from the kiss, the guilt when Adonis came in her mind all at the same time. 

She knew she liked Ian. She knew that since a while but she was stubborn to admit it. But she still loved Adonis. She still loved him to her very core. She didn't want the guilt in her stomach and she knew that Ian deserved much more than her half love. She didn't want to be unfair to him nor herself.

With those thoughts running through her mind, she fell asleep and her hands subconsciously touched her lips which were still tingling with the after effects of the kiss.


The next morning, she was getting ready while pepping herself up for the awkward and terrifying situation when Evelyn barged into the room.

The next words, threw all her thoughts out of the window.

"Isadora is missing."

For a second, Rose went blank. Her heart dropped in her stomach and her brain came to a stop. She just stared at Evelyn and then her thoughts went to complete chaos.

She charged through the door yelling 'Isa' and she was going to run down the stairs when Evelyn stopped her and pulled her back in the room, seating her down in a chair.

"We checked every room, every corner and even the grounds. We have searched everywhere, but we couldn't find her."

Rose fell silent, her thoughts in overdrive. She thought about the card, about the elites, about Montgomery. If Montgomery does anything to Isa and panic seized her heart as she thought about her baby. Montgomery was ruthless and Rose was becoming more sure that he had Isa.

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