Chapter 17 || The Break-In

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In the darkness, darkness

We go on and on



After the irksome lunch, Rose headed towards the washroom. Checking that she was alone, she took a seat in one of the chairs kept there. She finally let all the tension roll out of her shoulders, shuddering and goosebumps spread on her skin. Looking him in the eyes, reminded her off the vile look he had that night. The way those had looked content for the fear in her own when she realized she was trapped, the way those eyes had grinned viciously when he had backed her in the corner, the way they had raked her body when she helplessly laid on the bed.

But she felt stronger after confronting him, her anger had now turned into her weapon and armor. She no longer felt scared of him, she only wanted to destroy him. 

After collecting herself, she started touching up her makeup when a girl walked in. She handed her a card and quickly scampered out of the bathroom before Rose could ask her. 

She turned the card and it read, 'il mostro nasconde i suoi peccati nella sua tana, ¿si? '

[the monster hides his sins in his lair, yes?]

She quickly ran outside to find a mop of blond hair dash out of the corridor on seeing her. Rose quickly ran after her but within seconds the blond girl had vanished and Rose was standing in busy hallway filled with dozen blond girls.


Rose and Ian had quickly figured out that the said monster in the card had to be Chris. But the confusion was his lair. Was it his condo? Or some other place he visits?

To find out, Ian deployed a man behind Chris. And currently he was on a call with the said man.

Finishing his call he turned towards Rose, "Chris doesn't have any regular visiting pace unless he is careful and is purposefully not visiting it. But our only lead for now his house. My man has also pinned down his schedule."

"Okay come on lets see."

"What are you thinking of doing, Rose?" His eyes cautious.

"Of course, breaking into his house."

"Alright, lets see. He leaves for school at 8, but during his school hours his staff comes and cleans the house. He comes back at 1 and in an hour Layla joins him," their eyes met, "and she leaves at around 5. Later he leaves for gym around 7 and returns around 11, either drunk or with a girl or both." Ian informed.

"So our only available time slot is between 7 and 11. And getting in will be difficult since there will be light then." Rose concluded.

"Lets scout that place ourselves." Ian suggested.

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