Chapter 03 || Broken Girl

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And there's no remedy for memory, 

your face is like a melody

It won't leave my head

~Dark Paradise


I emerge from dark forests to see a beautiful meadow in front of me, filled with flowers and butterflies. I can hear the birds chirping and feel the wind caressing me. The sun is up in the sky and its rays are filling me with warmth.

Up ahead I can see a boy standing, his back towards me, his hair dancing with the wind. He is so lost in his thoughts that he doesn't notice me. I start walking towards him. As I near I notice his sharp jawline and athletic build, his skin as though sparkling in the sunshine. His posture is  relaxed. He looks at peace. Hearing dry grass crunch under my feet, he turns and reveals himself,


"Such a beautiful day isn't it?" He says, a small smile on his lips.

"It is. How are you here? " I question him.

"I came for a walk." He replies still smiling at me.

"Are you real?" I ask him again.

"You can never know if its real till the end, can you?" He replies with another riddle. He holds out his hand, urging me to come near him.

I don't take his hand, afraid he'll vanish. I go and stand beside him. We both are lost in our thoughts; him, looking at the view and me, looking at him.

He looks at me and asks," How is she?"

"Wonderful" I reply.

"And you?" 

Looking at him, I'm trying to figure out if he is real and if he has really come back to me. 

"Surviving" I say ,"I miss you."

His face crunches in pain like he could do anything if it meant that I would say 'happy'.

"I miss you too" he says, "Ti amo"

"Ti amo" I whisper.

I am looking at him, his ocean blue eyes twinkling with love at me and I'm assured that he is real, there's no way anyone could perfectly remake his eyes.

Overwhelmed with happiness, I go to cup his cheek to kiss him and he slips through my hand like sand and blows away with the wind like smoke in air.

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