Chapter 21 || High Spirits

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But all of a sudden
We loved and got lost in the moment



Rose spent the next two- three days taking care of Isa, helping Evelyn, assisting Marcello and taking care of Valentina. Valentina had truly lost a lot of weight because of stress and the nights that Isa had kept them up even though Evelyn had helped. And Rose would forever be grateful for they took care of Isadora when she couldn't.

"Isadora is the last piece of Adonis that we have; she is our granddaughter, Rose, it is our duty and pleasure." Valentina had said.

Today, Rose, Ian, Isadora and Evelyn were going out to Zurich to sightsee as well as buy things for Christmas. They got up early in the morning, got car ready while Rose packed everything that she'll need for Isa, and they set off.

They travelled through mountains and plains, and ten minutes in, Isa had fallen asleep in Ian's arms. Rose watched as a fond smile came on her face; Ian was leaning against the window, humming a soft song as Isa slept soundly, her tiny arms clutching his shirt. She turned ahead and continued her conversation with Evelyn.

Marcello and Valentina had stayed in Engelberg with Isa while Evelyn visited them every week-end; she was finishing her last year of high school in Zurich. Marcello managed his work from here and Valentina took care of Isa with the help of nanny. But Isa's crying and irritation had been increasing over the last few weeks, obviously missing her Mumma. 

Rose had returned to Colorado when Isa was six months old; and that was the hardest separation she had ever faced, her heart clenching as she kissed her little angel goodbye. Her heart hurt every time Isa cried because she wasn't there to calm her down. She wanted to be done with all of this so she could come back to Isa forever.

It was around 11 when they reached Zurich, and their first stop was Zurich Zoo. Carrying an excited Isa now, they entered the zoo heading towards watching the aquarium first. There were diverse types of fishes, some very colorful, some belonging to various parts of World. Looking at a box holding orange fishes, Isa pressed her face against the glass and later giggled and turned to rose pointing at one fish and mumbled something similar to 'nemo'.

Next they headed towards a part which had animals which were found in Australia. Reaching Koalas, Ian couldn't help but notice that Isa clung to his body the same way Koalas clung to trees and nudged her and mumbled, "My little Koala".

They found out they could hold a Koala too and Rose encouraged Evelyn to try. Hesitantly she took a baby Koala from one of the zoo helpers and the koala immediately clung to her like a baby. Giggling, Evelyn caressed the Koala and the Koala almost fell asleep as Rose quickly clicked a photo of them when Evelyn asked her to. 

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