36 - the switch

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It's been a few months as I've been going on dates with Tsuyoshi. I learned that he's 21 as I'm only 18 and Sasuke is 19. (inaccurate but lets not)

Every time I bring Tsuyoshi into a conversation, Sasuke gets some attitude as he seems jealous of him.

I don't even where our relationship stands now. I mean we never technically broke up. But what does that mean?

I head back to the Moyasu compound to update with my father. I look into his office as I collect the different papers to sign and drop off to the Hokage.

I walk around the halls of the office to hear weird noises coming from the door. I stop and look at the door as the noises only get louder.

I open the door to see Sakura and Tsuyoshi making out intensely and he's on top of her as she leans against the shelf making lewd noises rubbing against him.

My face goes red as I scramble to close the door and I run down the hall to go back to my apartment.

Not that I had a problem with Sakura kissing my fiancé, it's that how am I going to fix this? And how am I going to confront him about it?

I walk into my apartment after I finish my errands and I get into my comfy clothes to begin ranting to Sasuke about what I saw.

"Sasuke you won't believe what just happened!!" I sit next to him as he rolls his eyes. "Whatever you're going to talk about, this seems like a conversation for Sakura."

"I can't talk to her about this, it involves her!!" He raises his eyebrow. "Basically I was at the compound and I walked into Sakura and Tsuyoshi making out."

His eyes widen as he seems worried for me. "I'm fine Sasuke, I never even really liked him like that. He was kind of hot though." I scratch my head as Sasuke glares at me.

"But how am I going to confront my father about this?! The wedding is like, in a month!" I blurted out. He looks surprised at me.

"A month?!" I sheepishly smile. "And I don't have time to find another fiancé, unless..." I look at him with puppy eyes.

He seems to be thinking it over and that's how we stand in front of my fathers desk.

I stand next to Sasuke as we hold hands and Sakura stands next to me holding hands with Tsuyoshi.

I begin to sweat buckets as I get nervous about how I'm going to convince my dad to change my fiancé.

"So." "So." I look at my father as he looks at me expectantly. "I've decided to marry Sasuke instead of Tsuyoshi." This is the part where father stands and proceeds to yell,

"What?!" He glares at Sasuke and I as Sasuke only has a resting bitch face directed to him. Meanwhile, Tsuyoshi and Sakura are anxious looking at my father.

"All we need is your signature, my clan has already signed it's part and when you sign, the decision is approved." Tsuyoshi steps up with a determined face.

My father scowls at Tsuyoshi as he backs away scared. I roll my eyes. "And if I don't sign?" "We'll make you sign, it's 4 against 1."

My hand lights on fire as Sasuke only looks at it as if he's waiting for it to burn him. He sighs as he signs the paper and hands it to me. My hand goes back to normal as I grab it and run.

Sasuke chases after me as Tsuyoshi and Sakura high five and hug each passionately. I slide through the hallways as I bump into Kakashi.

"What's the rush?" He looks at me oddly. "Ask...Sasuke!" I run to the Hokage's office to turn in the paper.


I chase Y/N into the Hokage's office to Kakashi waiting expectantly for something. I slow down a little to jog through the halls.

"Hey Sasuke, what's Y/N going on about?" "Long story short, I'm Y/N's fiancé now." Never thought those words would come out my mouth.

"Congrats Sasuke, you managed not to lose one thing in your life." Kakashi walks past me to keep on reading his erotica book. I scowl as I keep on heading to the Hokage's office.

"And here's the groom himself. This is something I wouldn't think to see." Lady Tsunade looks towards me as I only stare back at her not knowing what to say.

Y/N grabs my hand in hers as she leans her head onto my shoulder. "Well I guess I do have something to look forward to."


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