Chapter 18: You Got To Be Serious

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Todoroki Pov
It's been about three weeks since me and Katsuki mated again. I decided to move in with him because his place was much bigger. Plus he didn't like the thought that the apartment was brought to me from Jay.

"Is that all?" I look at the male, who was dusting his hands off after moving the boxes into his car. I created a mental list of the things I needed to move. "Hmmm... that's it I think." I furrow my eyebrows as I think about it harder. I kept on checking things off my list until I felt arms wrap around me from behind.

"Let's go already. I wanna lay down on our bed." He placed his head on his usual spot, on my shoulder. "Our? Do you mean mines?" I jokingly said as he started to sniff my glands.

"Whatever. You smell sweeter than usual." I hum in agreement because he was right. Lately, I noticed I smelt a bit different than usual. For instance, I can not take a bath and I'll still smell fine but I'm not going to do that. Ever since those changes, I've noticed other changes too.

"Hmm..gotta check that out?" He only grunted as an answer, which meant 'yes'. He lets go of me and walks to the other side of the car while I open the door.

"We gotta pick up Ki at my parents' house but we can do that after unloading everything." The engine of the car starts to rumble. We waited a minute or so for the car to warm up. "Before we go to their house, I need to go to the store. I need something there." I reply as the car starts to move. "Right." Was all he said as we leaving the parking lot.

【 。。。】

"Finally." I heard a voice say as I also hear something drop. I turn around to see Katsuki standing above a box. It was the last box to be moved in the house and the last box I had to open. Inside contains my clothes as it reads 'Shoto's clothes'. Since I was done with the box I had, I walked over to Katsuki and put a hand on his bare arms.

"Thanks Kats!" I chirped (OMG A BIRD- EREN?!) as I rubbed my hand on his arms. "Whatever." He knocked my hand away and started to pout. Gosh, he's throwing a little tantrum because he's not in his bed right now. I roll my eyes at his childish actions. "You know you should wear tank tops everyday. It looks good on you." I try to take him out of his fit by feeding his ego but surprisingly it doesn't work.

"Shut up and come here!" He barked (woof woof) as he grabbed the back of my head to pull me into a hug. The other arm snaking it's way to wrap around my waist. For a person like him, it's surprising to see how much touchy he is. Whether it's with or without clothes on.

"...what are you doing?" I felt kisses being placed on my neck and jaw. "I'm hugging you idiot!" He growled with his face still in my neck as my face was in his chest.

He released his hold on both my head and waist and moves it to my ass. With a soft pat, I lifted up my legs for them to attached around his waist. My hands connecting each other and looping them around his neck like a human necklace. Even though my head was in his chest, I could tell we were on the move.

That was until we stopped and I fell on my back onto something soft. His hands moved to the middle of my back before he made me fall with him. Before I knew it, he positions us so that his head is on my chest.

I try to get out because we have to go soon but he had different plans. "No." He simply said as he snuggled more into me. "But-" I try to say something but he cuts me off. "Fifteen more minutes." I only sigh as I know his stubborn ass won't back down. I let myself relax, legs unwrapping themselves and getting tangled with his legs. My hands let go from each other as they move to his hair. Although his hair is spiked looking, it's super soft and fluffy. He lets out hums as I play with his hair and occasionally rubbing his scalp. Eventually my eyes felt heavy and slowly closes, making him the last thing I see before them shut.

【 。。。】

"Don't knock on it so hard!" I scolded Katsuki as he just rolls his eyes. We finally make it to Mrs and Mr Bakugo's house. He said it'll only be fifteen minutes. Well it was actually only two hours.

"OPEN UP OLD HAG!!" He yelled as he knocks again. I grab his wrist to make the knocking stop. "Stop would ya?!" He glares at me as I glare at him back too.

"Woah. What's up with this sexual tension?" I froze as I hear that familiar voice. Looking to the now open door, I see Mitsuki. "Hello Mrs. Ba- umm I mean Mitsuki." She raised a brow as I was about to be formal.

"Hello Shoto! Long time no see." She smiles at me but it soon turns into a frown. "What about you! What are you going to say to your mother?!" Katsuki only scowls as he frees himself from my grip. "Hi..I guess." Mitsuki glared at him but soon turned to me with a smile.

"Come in!" We take off our shoes and nester the house. Still looks the same like the last time I came here which was like eight years ago.

"Where's Masaru?" I asked as I took a seat on the couch. Katsuki followed me and sat besides me. "Oh him? He's upstairs with Akira." I nod my head. I then hear two more footsteps. We look towards the stairs to see two males, one with spikey brown hair while the other one has tamed down ash blonde hair, walking down.

"Speaking of which. Akira your parents are here, dear." Akira saw me and jumped on us. "Momma! Dadda!" He giggles as he hugs both of us. "Yeah yeah. We're here." Katsuki grunted as Ki eventually lets go.

"I'll be right back. I gotta go to the bathroom." Katsuki looked up at me, giving me a look. I slightly nod my head and take my leave to the bathroom.

【 。。。】

I came back in the living room with the Bakugos, including Akira, sitting on the couch. I take a breathe in then exhale it. I brought my hands away from my back and lifted the three stick like objects.

"Another Bakugo to add to the family."

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