Bottled-Up Fears

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Depressed and really pissed off, Louis was sulking in the back of the room, sitting at the bar counter with a drink in his hand and he had no idea how many he had had before. He felt like a shitty friend for avoiding Zayn at his own birthday party on his special day, but Louis did it for a reason. He had still congratulated him first thing in the morning and given him his well-thought-of gift. Special Art supplies for his special artist friend. Zayn has been ecstatic about it and had hugged Louis long and tight and for the first time in a few days, Louis had felt kinda happy again.

This was gone as soon as Zayn was gone, and Louis was brought back to his reason for avoiding him for days like literally everyone else except for Harry. And he was the reason for all of this. Harry was the reason for everything that was going through Louis' mind.

Since their trip to Manchester Louis hasn't been himself. The fight with Harry was present in his head every single day and he was trying to make up for it. Harry's words never left his mind and he did everything in his power to be better for him. That might sound stupid to outsiders, but Harry and Louis were bonded by fate and Harry had voiced how disappointed he was in Louis indirectly but stayed because it was supposedly meant to be. The least Louis could do was giving his best to be the boyfriend Harry always had wanted.

The moment they were back home, Louis had started his mission to improve himself. He was always awake before Harry to use the bathroom, look more presentable and less messy and Harry didn't have to drag him out of bed anymore. Louis hated mornings but, well. Forcedly, he tried to keep his mess at a minimum and cut his sass short to not annoy Harry even more. He gave up his usual food and switched to healthy food so that Harry no longer had to complain about Louis getting sick or fat in the long run. He studied even harder and read more into Harry's interests like photography and ignored anything football related. Barely had he any time to see his friends, especially Zayn who he knew Harry was still jealous of or not amused by their history and preferred if Louis stayed away from him, what he did now. And he always put nice things on Harry's desk in the morning or afternoon and was there every day when he came back from his lesson and if not, he texted him nice little messages.

Did he get a smile or a thank you or appreciation for it? Not at all. Harry barely talked to him these past days. He was always on the go, talking neutrally to Louis if he had to, not answering his texts and calling him mate. When Louis came home and waited for Harry, all he got was a short greeting, a pat on the shoulder and usually an 'I'm off to Niall' or 'I have another course' or since newest 'I'm meeting up with Tiffany'.

Tiffany. That bitch, whoops he meant girl out of one of Harry's music courses, who studied music too. That very pretty, smart and music interested chic Harry spent all of his time with and rejected Louis for. That cow Harry was dancing with shamelessly at the moment and was totally obvious checking him out and flirting with him. That bitch, which was touching Louis' man, who didn't seem to care. Yeah, she was a bitch in Louis' eyes, and he wasn't sorry for it anymore.

But he couldn't go over there. Last time he had let his jealousy take over his body and he had claimed his boyfriend, said boyfriend was pissed off and he almost lost him. So no claiming anymore and no big scene. Just watching Harry with that bitch and other greasy people around them, eye-fucking him, while Louis had to sit back and balled his hands into fists to keep himself from being stupid. He couldn't blame those people. Harry was handsome and attractive and cute and oh so innocent. His innocence was radiating out of him and some sick people were turned on by that fact. Louis wanted to punch them all but held himself back. Nice and kind was what Harry wanted from him. Not sassy and bitchy and moody and violent and possessive.

"Hey Tommo, not coming over to Zayn and Àmber?" approached Shawn him and took a seat next to him.

"Not in the mood for dancing" lied Louis nonchalantly.

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