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"Boobear, stop being so nervous. Everything is fine" tried Johanna to soothe her son but it was totally in vain.

"Nothing is fine. What if he decides to leave?" paced Louis up and down the decorated room, tugging on his dark blue suit. He was close to having a panic attack.

"Louis, look at me" placed Johanna her hands on Louis' shoulder firmly and made him stop and just focus on her. "Harry loves you. You're soulmates. He won't leave".

"I know that he loves me. I love him, too. But what if it's way too soon or he realises he doesn't want to marry me and just agreed because he didn't want to hurt me? What if he decided to go home?" picked Louis' breathing up due to all the doubting in his head. He was a mess.

"You are his home, Louis. There is nowhere he would go without you" stated Johanna seriously, trying to make her son see reason.

"Really?" stared Louis at his mother with big eyes. Deep down he knew the answer but today was driving him crazy and he couldn't think straight anymore.

"Really, Darling. He will be there and he is going to say yes with his whole heart" assured Johanna him.

"You're right. I should really stop panicking" sighed Louis out in realization.

"It's okay, Sweetheart. I'm sure Harry is doing the same thing" smiled Johanna understandingly at him.

"Yeah, I can feel it. He's as nervous as I am, but ready" confirmed Louis his mother's guess. He had this wobbly feeling in his stomach and knew it was Harry's own nervousness but he could also feel deep reassurance.

"Are you ready?" checked Johanna, totally used to the two boys' connection by now after over four years.

"Was never this ready" nodded Louis surely.

"Guys, are you ready? It's about time" came Zayn into the room questioningly.

"Guess we are. I'll wait outside and give you two a minute" pressed Johanna a kiss to Louis' forehead and then left the room.

"Are you nervous?" asked Zayn his best friend.

"Yes, but mostly excited" admitted Louis shakingly.

"Niall texted me that Harry feels exactly the same, but you probably already knew that, am I right?" cocked Zayn an eyebrow at him.

"You know the answer" nudged Louis him lightly.

"I do. I also know that you were definitely panicking before for no reason at all. Don't worry. He will be there" reassured Zayn him knowingly.

"I'm an open book to you, huh?" grinned Louis at him.

"You are, Tommy" pinched Zayn his side. "Wow, you're really getting married today".

"Yeah, who would have thought that? Not me, that's for sure" chuckled Louis light-heartedly.

"But then Harry slammed that door into your face and changed your life" laughed Zayn hearty.

"I have never been this happy about a pounding head" joked Louis carefree.

"And I was never this happy you got hurt" added Zayn amused. "But this hurt and pain are over. I think it's time now".

"Then let's go" breathed Louis out nervously.

Together they left the room and caught up with Johanna, who was waiting by the entrance of the hall. Zayn hugged Louis warmly and then went inside, taking his place at the front as Louis' best man. Niall was Harry's best man. Johanna linked her arm with Louis' and when the music sounded through the door, they opened it and stepped inside.

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