Rose And Dagger

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"You're gonna have that tattoo next to your mark?" asked Zayn after Louis had told him about his tattoo plans, both lying on Louis' bed just chilling.

"Not sure yet. I could make it less obvious though with the tattoo around it or something" mused Louis absent-mindedly.

"True. Just get something that makes sense with that rope. Maybe a dead stickman" joked Zayn.

"You're so funny, Joey" slapped Louis him against the back of his head. "You think it's possible to have a tattoo across the soulmate mark?".

"You mean like directly over it?" checked Zayn curiously.


"Like covering it up?" raised Zayn an eyebrow at him.

"Why would you cover up a soulmate mark?" startled Harry both boys by standing in the doorframe.

"Who said something about a soulmate mark? We were talking about tattoos, right Zayn?" cleared Louis his throat.

"Exactly. He wants a third one" lied Zayn not very convincingly.

"I heard you loud and clear. You said soulmate mark. I didn't know you had one, Louis. Why did you lie to me?" came Harry now fully into the room.

Louis was just silent. He didn't know what to say to Harry at that moment. Meanwhile, Zayn stood up from the bed and crept over to the door, passing a glaring Harry on the way.

"I guess I'm gonna leave you with this" said Zayn before he left the room.

"No! Zayn!" tried Louis to stop him but it was too late. He was alone with Harry now.

"Care to explain" looked Harry expectantly at him. Louis hated that behaviour.

"I don't have to explain myself. Just a mark. No big deal. You're not my father" replied Louis tried unbothered, but his mark was burning right now.

"No, but your friend. I asked you about it and you lied straight to my face. That's not really friend-like behaviour" Harry didn't let up.

"Pressuring me into telling you isn't either. It's my mark and my decision. Deal with it" countered Louis annoyed.

"Come on, Louis. I thought we were best friends. Why don't you just tell me now?" niggled Harry exasperatedly.

"Best friends, huh? You didn't even tell me your second name, Edward" shot Louis back, visibly shaken.

For a second Harry fell silent and just stared at Louis, guilt written across his face. Then something flashed through his eyes and he broke the eye contact. "That is something completely different. My second name is holy and very precious and you know that. I can't just tell everyone".

"I know that, but you didn't care about that preciousness when you read mine out loud the second we met. A bit hypocritical, don't ya think?" huffed Louis definitely hurt that Harry didn't trust him enough and he was just considered as a random someone to Harry.

"I'm not a hypocrite. It wasn't on purpose. I didn't mean to ...".

"I know, Harold. But you never gave me the chance to tell you on my own. You know how special it is to know someone's full name and you just took this away from me, like everyone else is always taking away things from me. Well, is no problem anymore. I'm over it. I also thought we were best friends but apparently, I'm just anyone who isn't worthy enough of knowing your second name" cut Louis him off, hurt and broken.

"No, no, no, Louis. You're not anyone. You are my best friend. I was just stupid and mean and I don't know ... But I'm not the only one not trusting my best friend enough" crossed Harry his arms over his chest.

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