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As for Louis Tomlinson, he wanted, for as long as he can remember, to find his soulmate, as a kid. He wanted to find that one person that was made for him. The one person that would love him and never let him go. That one girl that was meant to be with him because they were soulmates since birth. But life turned out differently in many ways and Louis realised that it was nothing more than a beautiful dream and fate hated him. Life had scarred him, and he knew now that he was meant to be alone and that was okay, most of the time.

When he was around 13 years old, the boys in his class started to check out the girls a bit more and literally drooled over them like some sick perverted animals. Louis thought he should do that too, but he found nothing attractive about boobs and vaginas. For a while, he just shrugged it off and thought he'd come into this phase later. But as it turned out this phase never came. He realised that one day when he accidentally walked in on his best friend Jacob's brother Kyle showering. As soon as he had spotted him under the shower, looking all wet and attractive, Louis had stopped in his tracks and just stared at him for far too long. He had stared at Kyle's back muscles, his ass and after he had turned around, Louis had definitely stared at his huge ... Anyway, that was the day he knew.

But this was also the day his whole life had changed. Jacob had caught him staring at Kyle, which had startled Kyle too and had ended in a lot of second-hand embarrassment. After Louis got kicked out by his supposedly best friend, he ran home crying. This was all too much for him. He had hoped his whole life to find that one girl that was meant to be with him and live happily ever after and now he turned out to be gay. He had nothing against it in particular. He had just thought back then that soulmates were supposed to be straight and he was doomed to be forever alone now, which wasn't that far away from the truth that he had learned about over the years.

Being back in school didn't really help his feeling of being abnormal. Jacob ignored him completely, which didn't go unnoticed by other people. When Jacob was asked why he had ditched his best friend, he had just told everyone that he didn't want a creepy gay stalker that spies on his brother as a friend. This caused his whole class to start bullying him for who he was. Abashed, he had told his mother about what had happened after she had noticed Jacob never came around anymore and Louis was more reserved than before. She just hugged him sadly and told him she would always love and support him. The physical and mental bullying went on until they were in Junior Year and they had better things to do and got separated for most of the time. But it didn't completely stop, just got less than before unfortunately.

In his junior year, Louis met his new best friend Zayn. He had moved to Famumria (a fictional town) after his parents' divorce and transferred to his school. At first, Louis stayed away from the new kid as far as humanly possible because he was sure no one could like him for real. Also, the new kid looked pretty intimidating with that raven-black hair, those dark eyes, sharp facial features and leather clothes. But turned out Louis was utterly wrong.

One day both of them ended up in a corner outside of the school building, taking a smoke. Louis had started to smoke because it calmed him down when he was bullied too much. Luckily, he knew a place where he could get his cigarettes although he wasn't eighteen yet. That day, Zayn had forgotten his cigarettes and shockingly shy asked Louis for one, which he dumbfoundedly handed over to him wordlessly. After a quiet thank you and a small smile from both boys, the unexpected happened. Louis felt a weird tingling on his right arm near his wrist and one second later the word cigarette was written on it in bold but small letters. They just stared at the words and stroked carefully over them before they looked at each other. This was his first-ever bonding moment.

That day they had skipped the next lessons and went to town to get to know each other better. After talking for hours, they had learned they had a lot in common. Music and movie taste, same humour and they were both gay and were bullied before. They even shared their full names with each other, but it turned out they were not meant to be more than friends.

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