Four Straight Years

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Dressed in a dark blue robe, Louis was sitting on his seat in the auditorium of his University and faced the big stage. Next to him was Àmber dressed in the same dark blue robe and that stupid hat. On stage stood their University's president and vice-chancellor, ready to start the way too early 10 am morning graduation thing.

"I welcome you all; graduands, family members and friends; to The University of Domumley for this degree congregation. This is a time of celebration in joy and I hope you enjoy this very special occasion" welcomed Uni president Brown all of them.

Afterwards, he and the vice-chancellor talked about the achievements of Domumley in the last decades and how great of a town it was. Then they continued with the highlights of the last four years and today's classes and went over to the award ceremony, which Louis completely blocked out. He knew neither himself nor Àmber would get one. They have been good students, but not the best of the best like Liam in his course.

While they kept talking, Louis took a look around the auditorium and his eyes stopped on his family sitting next to Harry's family. Aria and Àmber's families were close to them. His eyes locked on Harry's when they met across the room. A smile spread across both of their faces and Louis felt that familiar warmth flow through his entire body. By now he was used to it, but it never failed to overwhelm him. It was still magical.

The last four years have been incredible and went by in the blink of an eye. One day, Louis and Harry had just come back from their second Date and the next day, they were already leaving Uni for good. Everything in between was a mix of happiness, jealousy, anger, excitement and joy, but mostly love. All of the couples inside of their friendship group were still together and none had given up on their partner in hard times although at times it seemed like it. Now they were all together leaving Uni and entering their unknown future.

Facing back to the stage, Louis realised they were already handing out the degrees for the Master of English by now and Àmber was on stage, receiving it. In the back he heard Aria and their families clapping and cheering for her, so he joined in, being happy for his best friend. Proudly smiling, Àmber sat back down next to him, her cheeks slightly red. She hated that much attention on herself.

A few minutes later it was Louis' turn to walk on stage and get his English Degree, which he had never planned on doing in the first place. He shook his president's hand and with a smile, left the stage again, spotting Harry cheering him on proudly. Àmber and he gave each other a silent high-five before focusing back on the ceremony.

Twenty minutes later Louis received his originally planned degree. Master Of Literature. He was happy, excited and proud of himself for managing to get it. Now he could happily look forward to his first job, which started in about two months. Thinking about his future with Harry, Louis missed the rest of the ceremony and only noticed that when everybody was standing up to leave the auditorium.

"Boobear, I'm so proud of you" was Louis directly met with his mother outside and engulfed into a tight embrace.

"Thanks, Mum" fell Louis into the touch.

"Loulou" chorused Daisy and Phoebe when they fell into Louis' arms.

"My little stars" smiled Louis happily.

"And what am I?" propped Lottie her hand up on her hips.

"Annoying," said Louis curtly.

"Thanks. I love you too, big bro" snorted Lottie.

"Just come over here and cuddle me" waved Louis her over and she hugged him, but not without rolling her eyes.

"Don't forget about me" pouted Fizzy.

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