Soup And Tea

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"I'm sorry for leaving your party that early, avoiding you for three more days and being a proper prick" apologised Louis abashed to Zayn, sitting on his bed with his head hung low. Zayn had stopped by to have a serious conversation.

"You don't have to be sorry, Tommy. I understand. You had to get away. This doesn't make you a proper prick" lifted Zayn Louis' chin up to look into his eyes.

"But it was your birthday, Joey. I was supposed to be there for you and not mob around, ignore you and then leave like the selfish idiot I am" countered Louis ashamed of himself.

"Louis," said Zayn sternly, which made Louis swallow heavily. "You are not selfish. You came although you felt like shit. You were there and had to witness your boyfriend being an ignorant idiot. Don't think I don't know that".

"He wasn't being ignorant. Just ...".

"Just what, Louis?" cut Zayn him off and Louis didn't know what to say. "Ignorant is even nicely said. I have other words in mind that would fit better into this fucked up situation. Believe me, you don't wanna hear them. I talked to Liam and Shawn and they told me you wanted to change and be more responsible and shit like that and that it was due to Harry. Is that true?".

"Yes" nodded Louis in confirmation.

"Louis, why? You don't have to change who you are, especially not for your soulmate. You already are responsible and kind and caring and selfless and humble. What else could he possibly want? What was he trying to do by ignoring you, flirting with that bitch and making you feel like you're not good enough?" was Zayn not having it. With every word, he became angrier.

"He wanted to teach me a lesson" mumbled Louis his reply, not wanting to make it even worse.

"What?" exclaimed Zayn furiously.

"He was still mad at me for my comment in Manchester and wanted to show me what I'd be missing without him. His ego felt hurt or something like that. He overreacted and apologised" told Louis him in an emotionless voice.

"And you forgave him?" looked Zayn terrified at him.

"What else could I do? He's my soulmate and felt mistreated by me" shrugged Louis helplessly.

"That gives him no right to mistreat you even worse and make you feel like shit. I've seen you this whole time and you looked straight out miserable. You were hurting. You are hurting and this is not fair" stated Zayn madly.

"I know" sighed Louis in defeat.

"Did you at least talk about it again? Did he reason his behaviour to you?" hooked Zayn expectantly.

"No" shook Louis his head. "After I kind of had an emotional breakdown at your party, he barely said anything and wanted to talk about it another time. I just wanted to leave after exposing myself like that and only receiving that pathetic excuse of an apology about a hurt ego".

"You sound mad" noted Zayn the obvious.

"To be honest, I am. Very mad to be precise. But mostly I'm hurt. I feel betrayed and used and played and all that by my own boyfriend. Someone who knew about my fears and where they came from and he still decided to 'teach me a lesson' because I'm such a horrible person. To cut it short, our relationship is pretty strained at the moment. We barely see each other or talk more than necessary. No closeness, no touching, no kissing. Nothing. It's frozen and I don't know what to do" revealed Louis to him in pure despair.

"You seriously need to talk. I don't need to tell you what I think about this whole mess. You know yourself his actions weren't right and you're not as bad as he made it look like. Just because you didn't scream at those jerks or punched them in the face, he doesn't have the right to act like a total prick" pointed Zayn out, trying to stay calm.

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