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Today, I'm going to PlayM Entertainment to have a meeting with the CEO of the company. Just thinking about it makes my heart beat faster. Okay, Y/N muster up your courage and be strong. Wahhh, I can't do it huhu. I'm such a loser at doing things alone. Last night, Jae came to my apartment to help me pick up my clothes that I'm going to wear today. Well, me and Jae being the best friends that we are, we argued till we were tired and had no choice but to search for a comfortable fashion style that would suit me.

I am wearing a simple white shirt with my beige cardigan and faded jeans, which is Jae's pick. I brought my sling bag with me, which contained my camera, in case they made me do some dry running.

 I brought my sling bag with me, which contained my camera, in case they made me do some dry running

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(Y/N's outfit)

I entered the building and went to the receptionis area. "Hi! What can I do for you today?" The kind lady said. "Umm.. I have a meeting with the company's CEO today," I nervously explained. I really am a sucker when talking to new people. "Do you have an appointment? What is your name? " She asked "Ah, yes I'm Kim Y/N" I smiled at her and she nodded, saying, "Just a second," as she typed on her laptop. "Okay, Ms Kim followed me" she gestured her hand as I followed her inside the elevator. We got out on the 4th floor and followed her into the room.

She knocked on the door to the other room inside. "Come in" a deep voice said and I immediately felt nervous. "Good Morning, this is Ms Kim Y/N." The lady introduced me to the man kindly. The man that was seated in the front of the long table smiled at me "Welcome to PlayM Entertainment, I'm Choi Jinho, the CEO of the company." He stands and shakes my hands. "It's okay, don't be nervous, I don't bite," he chuckled as he felt my hand shake slightly.

And I returned a nervous laugh, "Hello, my name is Kim Y/N from the tokkikkito fan site." I introduced myself and bowed. He nodded and gestured me to sit beside the other person whom I think is here for the meeting too. He smiled at me as I sat beside him. "I'm sorry, but can I leave for 15 minutes?" Asked the CEO "Yes, Sir," said the boy next to me. The CEO chuckled "Don't be so formal. You can call me Daepyonim (CEO)" and we just nodded "Okay, I'll be back" He said and then left.

"So, you're the photographer of tokkikkito fan site", the boy sitting on my right suddenly said "Ah, yes I'm Kim Y/N" I introduced and shook his hand. "I'm Hamada Asahi from the dailyleee fan site," he introduced himself. I gasp because it is also one of the popular fan sites of Weeekly "Really? Wow, that fan site is such a legend" I said with my hand on my mouth. "No, not at all." He refused. "I'm a fan of your site, I think your photography skills are my type," he said, while he put his arm on the table and leant on it.

"You study digital photography too?" I asked and he nodded. I gasped loudly that I had to cough, which earned laughter from him. "Yah! Becareful, you might die while talking to me," he warned, patting my back to prevent me from coughing. I snorted at his comment "Whatever, by the way, yah? Are you older than me?" I asked curiously, "I'm a 2001 liner. "And you're?" He asked. I had this oh shape in my mouth realizing I'm younger than him "I'm a 2002 liner, which means you're older than me in one year" I said as I crossed my arm.

Asahi and I talked for the entire time and I learned that he is from Japan and he studies at my school too, which is the International Seoul University. What a coincidence. I feel like me and Asahi are gonna be good friends because we have a lot in common, such as he likes to draw, do photography and sing. Yes, I do sing, but I'm not that good. Jae is much better than me when it comes to singing.

"Do you think that daepyonim is hot?" Asahi suddenly asks while I'm drinking. I almost spit the water out inside of my mouth when I heard his question. I coughed really hard, so hard that I had to stand up and punch my chest and here is Asahi only laughing at my reaction. "What the hell? Can you put a warning sign before you ask a question like that?" I said, glaring at him. He only laughs. Arghh, he's so annoying "So, is he hot?" He asked as he wiggled his eyebrow. "What? No! Yes, I admit he's handsome, but I prefer girls," I rolled my eyes. Realizing what I'd said, I looked at Asahi wide eyed to see his reaction to me coming out.

"Yah! Why do you look like you saw a ghost?" He said looking at me "Don't worry, I'm not homophobic," he said, reassuring me, and I sighed, "Plus I'm gay too," he said, blushing and not looking at me. "What?!" I shouted standing "I didn-" I did not get to finish my sentence because Daepyonim entered the room with Weeekly. I hurriedly sat again looking at Asahi with an expression 'you have an explaining to do later' and he just giggled.

"Okay, everyone is here. Let's start the meeting," Daepyonim said. The members sat across the table from me and Asahi. In front of me is Zoa and beside her is Jihan. She's pretty today. Well, she's pretty whenever I see her, I thought. And then next are Jaehee, Jiyoon, Soeun, Soojin and Monday. "Everyone, as I mentioned earlier, this is Kim Y/N from the tokkikkito fansite and Hamada Asahi from the dailyleee fansite," Daepyonim said.

The members look at us and acknowledge us by nodding. I saw Zoa look at me and I smiled at her and she smiled back. "Starting today, these two will be your private photographers," said Daepyonim as he looked at the members. "Ohhhh" all of the members said and I feel myself blushing at their reaction. "That'd be great, daepyonim." Soojin said. "Yeah, considering that the two of them took the best pictures," Monday said. And other members agreed. After that, we talked about various things like not being late and always being healthy, yeah, stuff like that.

"I will be the one who will assign the private photographer you will have," Daepyonim said. "Monday, Jaehee, Soojin and Seoun you're in the hands of Asahi" Daepyonim stated the names as he pointed out every person he mentioned. They bowed at Asahi and he bowed back. "Zoa, Jihan and Jiyoon you're in the hands of Y/N" daepyonim continued. "I'm looking forward to working with you," I said as I bowed to them, and they returned my bowed.

~ohhh asahi is here!!💎teumes where you at?


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