Things I hate

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In the past few years I have developed a huge list of things I hate. Riley always tells me that you choose to hate things, maybe that's why he doesn't really hate anything. Apparently I've chosen to hate things. A lot of things.

So I decided to let you all know what kind of stuff I hate. I'll probably forget a lot, but who even cares?

1. People who judge. Like Alex always says: "Am I a box? No. So don't put a fucking label on me."

2. Homophobes. If they were on fire and I had water, I would drink it.

3. People who tell me I need to stop hurting myself. You don't what I've been through, you don't know what I'm dealing with every single day. Hurting myself is my choice. It's none of your buisness.

4. My parents.

5. Parents who tell their child they shouldn't have been born. It's not their fault, it was your choice to put a child on this world.

6. Parents who drink too much. You have a child you're supposed to take care off. Put the fucking bottle down.

7. Drugs. I don't judge the people who use them, I've used them myself and they mentally fucked me up. I thought it would help me dealing with my problems, but it only made them worse.

8. Bullying. If you don't hate somethingn cruel as bullying, I guess you're not human.

9. Fairytailes. They give false hope. Not every story has a happy ending. Maybe that's somethig you should teach your child. Shit happens. A lot.

10. People say that it will get better. How do you know? You don't. Stop acting like you know what's going to happen if you don't.

11. People who act like they know me. I don't tell you anything about myself, that's something I've learned. So as long as I haven't told you you're my friend, you don't know me. So stop acting like you do.

12. People who tell me I'm "interesting". So because my life sucks and I'm a fucked up human being I'm interesting? Because I've been through shit and because I'm still going through shit and deal with that in a wrong way, I'm interesting? What the fuck is wrong with you?

13. Sluts. I've seen too many girls who think it's amazing to sleep with as many guys as possible. I think it's a disgrace to other girls. You want to stand above the guys, because girls have been suppresed by guys for so long, and then you have sex with every human that has a dick? Again, what the fuck is wrong with you?

14. Therapists who think they know everything better. I've seen a few and every time I've been to a therapist, they thought they had figured me out by the second conversation we had. You don't know what I feel, how I think, what I do every single day.

15. People who call people like me "emo". I don't call myself emo, because I don't believe in labels. You can't just push someone in a corner and tell someone that's what they are. I'm so much more than that.

16. Teachers. They think they know you, they stick their nose in everything you do and still don't care. Your job is to teach me shit, not to teach me how to deal with my problems.

17. People who abuse animals. Animals don't have a voice, they can't go to the police when someone hits them, what kind of fucking asshole are you if you abuse an animal?

18. People who update their facebook status every 2 minutes. Do you have nothing better to do than that?

19. People who think that cutters are attention seekers. We're not attention seekers you fuckhead. We have our reasons, we have our problems, we deal with things you don't know anything about. You have an oppinion that's based on nothing but your stupid ideas.

20. People who say that they're leaving five times a week and still stay. What are you trying to achieve? Crying friends? Police at your door because someone thought you were seriously going to kill yourself? Believe me, if you're about to kill yourself, you're not going to throw it around.

21. People who say "I'm sorry" when I've told them my whole story. Are you serious? I've just told you everything that goes around in my life and all you can say is "I'm sorry"? Fuck off.

22. Guys who act like they own their girlfriend. A girl is not something you "own" asshole. She's a human so you've to treat her with the same respect as you want to be treated with. I promise you that if you don't, you'll end up alone.

23. Being alone. I hate it, but at the same time I never ask someone to come over or stay. I just can't.

24. People think that reading is for nerds. Again, nerd is a label. Someone who's able to learn fast is more than a nerd. Also, you don't have to be a "nerd" to read. I read and my grades suck. For real.

25. People who get angry when someone uses pictures from the internet. If someone doesn't want to put their own face on the internet, then that's their choice. Not yours. They have a reason you probably don't know about. There's more important stuff to get angry about.

26. Arrogance.

27. People that can't take a joke. Stop taking life so serious.

28. Hate over the internet. If you hate someone, go say it in their faces so they can give you a punch. Or explain why they are who they are.

29. Friends who actually don't give a fuck about you.

30. Having a best friend for years and then suddenly don't talk anymore.

31. A friend who tells you they can't deal with your problems. I warned you I was fucked up before you started talking to me, why do you have to hurt me this bad?

32. Taking pictures of myself or letting people take pictures of me. Especially if I don't notice they're taking pictures.

33. Meeting new people. I'm socially awkward and I hate to explain all over again why I don't want to tell them about myself. "What's your favorite color?" Do you really give a fuck? I'm sure you've forgotten what my favorite color is by tomorrow. It's green btw.

34. Over-thinking. I do it all the time and it makes me even more depressed than I'm already am.

35. The fact I'm weak and have no control over myself.

36. The person inside of me that tells me to commit suicide. I don't want to, you know. It's hard to explain, but it's like a talking feeling.

37. Swimming. When I'm almost naked I feel vulnerable. Besides, I have bruises and scars all over my body. No one has to see that, ok.

38. The fact there's so much more I hate but I'm done with writing this.

39. That I cry a lot, while peole who have a life that even more sucks than mine don't.

40. That so many people on this site and in the world are depressed. I wish I could solve it all. None of you deserve to be sad or depressed or sick, abused, alone, bullied.

That are some things I hate. There's more, but I'm sure you all don't care so I'll stick to this.

I hope you all had a nice Christmas and that this year will be awesome for all of you.

- Kyran

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