Paris 11-13-2015

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The world is in flames. No matter how bad I feel sometimes, on moments like this, my problems seem small. My suffering seems nothing compared to the suffering in Paris last night.

My thougths are with all the victims, the family of the victims, the people in Paris and the people who know people who live in that city.

There's so much suffering in this world already. Knowing that there are people who want to do nothing more but increase this suffering, is horrific. I can honestly not express how I feel about this.

As humanity, we should help each other. Support each other. Bring light, bring peace, bring hugs. Solve problems, not create them. Nobody should ever want to kill another human being, for whatever reason.

Religion is being put in an extremely bad light, but I want to remind everyone that not all religion is bad. I myself am not religious, but I know that this is no act of true religion. This is an act of murder, of cruely and of extremism. 

When you see a muslim, don't expect them to be a terrorist. They are trying to fight these extremists just as much as you. Extremism is not a religion. 

I hope that if I have any French readers, they are all safe. That all of your family is safe.

Spread kindness, because it's the only thing we can do to keep the light alive in times as dark as these. We need to unite against these murderers. We should not be afraid, not let them intmidate us.

Together, we are stronger. We don't need weapons, we need love.

Stay safe.

- Kyran

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