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 *Katie's POV*

"I can't believe you fractured your hand." Lou snorted from the couch across from us.

I was currently lying down on the couch; legs lifted up on the arm rest while my head lay in Niall's lap. He was running his fingers through my hair over and over again, calming my stress to a point of weakness. It was just so calming; it was by far my favourite feeling. If there was an official list of the top ten best feelings in the world, I would vote the feeling of someone playing with my hair to be number one. I absolutely love that feeling.

And one of the few people who know that is Niall.

"Harry's jaw is as hard as a rock." I justified, peeking a glance over at Lou. Harry was sitting right next to him on the couch, fidgeting with his phone. 

"Well, did you at least punch him like I taught you to punch?" Niall asked with a small smile as he continued to run his fingers from the roots of my hair all the way out to the tips. It was true though; Niall was the first person to teach me how to throw a proper punch. Him and my brother, that is. I remembered the time when I was six and Niall had just turned eight, and him and my brother were teaching me self defence that they learned from jujitsu classes while we were playing in my backyard.

"Like this!" Eight year old Niall exclaimed, showing me how to put my hand into a fist.

"Am I doing it right?" I asked Nialler, looking up at him. He has always been taller than me.

"You're doing it wrong." My brother pointed out, pulling my thumb out of my fist and placing it over my fingers instead of under. "If you tuck your thumb inside of your fist you can break it." He informed, stepping back and smiling at the finished product of my fist.

"See? Now, if we ever aren't there to protect you, you will know how to protect yourself." Niall said with a smile that was missing two baby teeth.

And he was right.

I snapped back to reality at the feeling of Niall's fingers running through my hair. I smiled as I thought back to that memory.

He was protective even back then.

"Yep," I responded proudly, "even made sure not to tuck my thumb in." I said with a smile.

"She must have. Anyone who can damage my rock hard jaw is bound to know how to throw a proper punch." Haz added in with a teasing smirk.

"I'm still sorry about that." I replied with sympathy. "I really did think you were a robber."

"Let's just say that now you owe me twice." He replied with a big smirk spreading across his face. 


"Fine." I grunted. I did not think this was fair. At all.

"Then it's only fair that you owe her, too." Niall pointed out with a grin. "I mean, your jaw did fracture her hand." Once again, Haz's jaw dropped open.

"Just... forget it mate." Liam added as he laughed at his expression, walking in from the kitchen. "Just let it go."

"By the way," I started, remembering the issue of my clothing this morning. "mind telling me how I ended up in your shirt and no pants last night?" 

Niall smirked.

"Well," He started, his lips now holding a full on grin.

Uh-oh. This doesn't sound good.

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