Chapter 8 (William)

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"Are you with my parents or against them?"

With that question Arthur suddenly gets incredibly uncomfortable. He goes a shade of pale and nervously his fingers start fiddling with his trousers. His head is down, looking at the ground, making his long, blonde, shiny hair fall out of place. Oh his gorgeous hair, I could just look at it for ages...

"Want some tea still? I'll make you some tea?" He quickly busies himself with the fire, trying to distract me from my question. He's obviously worried, leaving me knowing the answer to that question already, but I want to hear him say it. And either way I don't care much anyway, I know when the times comes I will have to make a decision, but that day is not today. I'm stuck in between the two sides. I know mother and father have made mistakes, I know what they did to Emma, I know they have been lying to us about a lot, but everyone makes mistakes. Other just have to learn to move on from those, mistakes help everyone learn and become better people, so maybe when all of this is over mother and father will be the people they used to be. I think after Emma disappeared they definitely became worse rulers but it wasn't a sudden change, even when Emma was here they were declining. They have been ever since Emma and Edward split up. I think deep inside they were angry at her, no matter what they said or believed. I'm not sure because before Emma left I was sheltered a lot from everything, after all I had just turned 14 when Killian was killed. But now I'm 15, Emma's left, they have two remaining children and they suddenly let me grow up. I'm glad, I'm glad they did. At least one good thing come of what happened. However small.

"Hey," I say gently, my hand on his shoulder. He turns round to face me, a guilty expression on his face. I know why he doesn't want to admit it, yesterday a new law was passed, anyone found plotting against the king and Queen will be killed. But is Arthur plotting against them? I don't believe he would but... I don't know. I hope not. I really hope not. "It's okay, you can tell me, I promise, I won't judge, and I certainly will not tell anyone,"

I have this weird feeling that I can't shake of as I say these words. A feeling we're being watched. So, ignoring Arthur's words, I draw my sword and motion for him to be quiet.

I walk around the room, looking around every hiding spot until I go to the door and open it. No ones there, maybe I'm just being paranoid so I close the door again and sigh.

"No ones there, I'm just being paranoid," I laugh slightly, trying to lighten the mood. Still I can't shake the feeling off.

"A scaredy-cat now are we?" Arthur asks, thats one of the reasons I like him. He isn't afraid to stand up to me, isn't afraid to make those little comments at me. He's the only one but I'm glad he does because not being able to have any real friends is lonely. Especially because they have to be kind to you. Arthur's an exception though... he's... he's special.

"Arthur," I sigh, I am probably just worried about someone over hearing us having the conversation that could land Arthur in a hell lot of trouble. Not probably. Definitely. "You can tell me, you can trust me," for a second his face falls and o think he's going to run, but then he smiles and takes the seat on the table next to me.

"Your parents have done a lot of wrong to Emma, Neal and you. They killed the man your sister loved, left a child fatherless, lied to you for 15 years about your brother, and your the youngest, they've been lying to everyone for 21 years now, soon to be 22. They've made a lot of mistakes, some which they may not be able to come back from. They've got a kingdom to run, and if they can't run it without lying and killing. Yes I know Hook was not innocent but they day he died I could see the regret in his eyes, in the end it wasn't to late for him. I'm the end is isn't to late for anyone. So yes I am against your parents. I will admit that. If I had to chose to kill them right now, I probably would but," he sighs and looks down at his lap, "I have hope they can be better people,".

Quite frankly I'm moved by Arthur's speech. I don't care he's against them because just like I he thinks there's a chance they can change. I barely get time to think through what I'm about to, my hearts just telling me I must do this. My hearts telling me I cannot deny my feelings any longer. My mind however is telling me this is wrong. A war inside my head, a war of love but it must have been a very quick war because my hearts already won.

Our eye-line meets, eyes close, we lean into each other and just as our lips touch, the door swings open.

Who do you think it is? 🤔

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