[|Playboy lover|]

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You wandered into class, sitting down in your usual seat. The noise was overbearing and was too loud for you to think. You placed your head in your hands trying to block out the ear shattering noise as well as trying to calm down the headache turning migraine. 

The squeak of the chair drove you out of your thoughts as a hand came into contact with your back, gentle circles soothing you. "Hey baby..." His voice spoke, a soft mumble as he moved his head down to your level. 

He kissed your head gently, using his other hand to sweep some hair out of your face. You took a deep breath, pushing yourself off the table. You smile at him gently, trying to force yourself to be happy. "You got a headache?" He questioned, his eyes following your movements.

You nodded your head, placing it onto his shoulder. Mark was the school's 'Playboy'. He would pick up a new girl every few weeks, cutting them off bluntly before turning to the next girl that caught his attention. You knew exactly what he was planning in the first place, so you played along.

Until it got real...

"Do you know what we're doing today?" He questioned, placing his head on top of yours. You nodded, inhaling gently. "I know you're asking that because you want my attention. And besides, you never do any work." You trailed off, letting your eyes shut gently as his hand combed through your hair.

You let the pen in your hand fall to the paper as your body relaxed and you felt a sense of calm fall over you. "That's very true, you know me too well baby." He spoke, lifting his head from yours. Your eyes fluttered open, the shift in weight pulling you out of your trance.

His eyes wandered over your desk, spotting the pad you had in front of you. "What you drawing?" He questioned as you lifted your head. Your eyes looked down at your book, spotting the flowers painted over the page. "Just finishing off a drawing I made." You mumbled, picking up the pen once more "Cherry blossoms." Mark spoke, tracing a hand over the pink surface. 

You nodded at him, looking towards his hand. "They were my mothers favourites." You spoke, a soft smile falling to your lips. Your mothers name and day of death were written gently under the tree, representing your loss of her. She had been your rock and the day she disappeared, you felt a significant loss of yourself and who you were. 

But for some reason, Mark had found that piece of you. Although you didn't want to admit it, he truly did care for you and you for him.

Mark let out a gentle sigh, looking towards his friends sitting in the corner of the room. You knew the plan they had from the start but you wanted to see if he actually cared. You didn't want to get your hopes up, but it seemed as though he loved you.

An hour later

You wandered through the halls, the laughter and chatter echoing through your ears. The subtle sting it gave you was painful. You rolled your eyes, approaching your locker. You pulled it open, a soft smile pulling at your lips; cherry blossom petals scattered through your locker. The drawings you did anyway, you wouldn't dare touch a plant in fear of killing it. 

You placed your books in, organising them as best you could. You pulled out your pad tucked at the back of your locker. You pulled it close to you, hugging it gently. Your smile grew wider as you thought of your mother hugging you. "Hey Y/n." A voice spoke.

You jumped at the sound, spinning in your spot and hitting the person behind you. Shock ran though you as you spotted your boyfriend stood in front of you, his hand placed onto his cheek. "OWW!" He spoke, looking towards you. "Oh my god honey. I am so sorry! You just scared me and I didn-" "It's okay. I shouldn't have scared you like that. It's my fault." He interrupted, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek after speaking.

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