[|Chica's log|]

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[Day 1]

I have decided to stalk dad around the house to get some food. I have not yet been spotted and haven't got a response. My stomach seems to be growling at me, in anger as the quest for food continues.
Mother seems to have left some food on the table. I will try using a sneak attack to taste the food. 

It didn't work. She saw me coming and moved the food and then began to eat it. Still nothing...my stomach's anger seems to be growing.
I will push on. 

[Day 2]

Food has been served. It was the same as yesterday, but still good and tasty none the less. It has filled me up and calmed the anger that grew in my stomach over the past few days. 
I believe now is the time for cuddles. Mother has beckoned me to the sofa where she will give me lots of fusses and this thing called cuddles. 

I seem to be under a spell. I am growing more tired...as we speak...my eyes are under some sort of spell as well, they seem to be....

[Day 3]

I have awoken in the same spot as yesterday. It seems that both parents are still asleep. What is this odd feeling? I must lick their faces to wake them up. 

The mission was successful, both parents are awake but are yet to give me food. They have risen and are now vacating the room towards the kitchen. I must follow in case of emergencies. 

Emergencies have been handled and food has been served. It was very yummy and I am very full. It seems as though we're going for a walk, but my parents haven't changed yet and I am afraid they will take more than 5 minutes.

[Day 1540]

It was a calming stroll for ones needs. The walk was only 30 minutes but boy am I tired. The sun had seemed to be just rising, leaving a nice colour on the sky for us to look at. We stopped by a river for a little while, huddling together. I spotted a few ducks and wanted to make friends, but they didn't seem to like me. 

[What day is it?] 

Life at home is good and it seems as though I have forgotten what day it is. I can't exactly remember what day it is nor can I remember what I did this morning. We shall, however, be departing for another walk soon. 

Success once again. This time we sat underneath the stars and watched them for a long time. I met some doggy friends along the way as well. They were very nice and they were like me. I was very excited to see some more of my kind. It was all very exciting. 

[I don't know]

I can't recall what day it is nor what toy I've played with in a while. We shall have to go for my favourite. Dad has become very hyper and has picked me up weirdly again. To be fair, It can be quite comfortable but it is very embarrassing and it makes me feel weird. 

I've had lots of fusses and I had a very delicious treat earlier as I was apparently a 'good girl' whatever that means. Anyway, I brought dad a toy so we could play...what do you call it again? Throw the toy but go get it...no that's far too long. Oh well, it isn't important. 

I've decided this to be the last entry of Chica's log or whatever you call this. It's been a hard few days and I don't know what day it is. It will just get a bit weird...talking about all of this over and over. Anyway, goodbye for now...

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