Growing up {|2|}

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At Mark's house

Before you could open your own door, Mark had reached your side and had it open just before your hand touched the handle. You chuckled and grabbed his extended hand. He smiled at you before you both wandered over the his house. A butler opening the door.

You instantly recognised the person and you both looked at each other in shock. You hadn't seen them in years. But I guess Mark always wanted them to be a part of the family. "Good evening sir." Arthur said. Mark entered before he turned towards you.

"My lady Y/ is so good to have you back." He said cheerily. Having a fresh glow appear on his face. You leaned in and hugged him. "It's been too long Arthur." You mumbled. Arthur gently placed a hand on your back before letting you go.

You sighed and walked into the house. "Dinner will be ready at precisely 5pm." He said, before bowing and walking away. "Thank You Arthur." Mark said, slipping off his shoes and putting them on the rack beside him. "It was good to see you." Your voice got louder as he walked away.

You looked towards Mark who was smiling gently at you. You blushed seeing he was already staring at you. "I see you remember Arthur." He said. You chuckled and looked at him with shock. "How could I not? He was the father I never had. And he would always play games with us when we were little." You both chuckled before you remembered you had just walked into a mansion.

You stopped for a minute and looked around. Paintings of family members were hung up on the walls. You spun around in awe as you took in the full beauty of this place. Mark chuckled at your cuteness as he was reminded of your younger self.

He never grew up filthy rich but had enough money to buy a nice house and have someone take care of it. Your parents once knew each other but lost connection after graduating and moving on with their lives. But soon reconnected once they were back on their feet properly.

Ever since you were little the both of you had connected in a different way than any of the other kids did. If either one of you were getting bullied you'd both go up to them the next day and give em a right telling off.

It was funny because after Mark moved away you realised how much he really meant to you and how much you'd fell for him. He gave you so much joy that no one else could figure out how to give that to you.

Once, you were looking online hoping to apply for a job somewhere and found Mark's company and had to get a job there no matter how far away you were from his position. But you didn't care and submitted an application. And you got the job.

"Y/N!" Mark yelled, getting you out of any thought you were thinking. You shook your head and looked at him. "You haven't changed one bit." He said, crossing his arms. You made a fake pouty face and shoved him gently. "I take that as disrespect." He raised his eyebrows and smirked cheekily.

"You wanna play that card." He said, picking up a pillow from the sofa. You quickly caught on and picked up a pillow just before he hit you. You both began to laugh as you began to have a pillow fight.

You eventually had to stop as your sides began to hurt from laughing too much. You dropped the pillow and grabbed your sides. Mark took this opportunity to tackle you onto the sofa, locking you between him and the sofa.

He began to attack you with the pillow before stopping due to the amount you were both laughing. "I feel like I'm gonna be sick." You said, your words a bit skewed as you had laughing fits.

Mark collapsed to the floor. You took a few breaths before grabbing a pillow again and locking him to the floor and attaching him with the pillow. After a few more hits, he put his hands up in surrender. You dropped the pillow and looked down at him as you began to calm down.

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