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They were out of reach. Never had he had the courage to speak to them. He felt as if every time he looked at them, something was there. But he knew in his heart, if he stepped near them, he wouldn't be able to do it. He wouldn't be able to confess. 

He would never be able escape from their grip, as much as he tried. But that's what he liked. He liked how they made him feel. He liked the way he got nervous when they were nearby. They were just so intoxicating. 

But knowing Mark, his own thought for love would be his only fault. They were the fire that warmed him up and the spark that lit up his darkest times, creating a path for him. He would never be able to get rid of that, no matter how hard he tried. 

He wondered whether he would ever be too late. The thoughts were too much for his introverted head. It would be so sudden to start talking to them properly now. He struggled even asking for a pen from them. He always told himself to shrug it off, telling himself to calm down. 

They made him so wild, he found that mischievous side within himself. It was as if he had caught a disease and would never be cured unless he had them. That disease he had caught was so new to him that he himself couldn't tell he was in love. 

Sadly enough, he told himself if would never happen. Besides, Mark wasn't what he thought he was. He was that shy kid that always sat in the back of the classroom no one wanted to talk because they thought he was weird. 

He tried to take the chances. Moving to sit next to them, trying to get to know them better. Using little ways to get to know them. Even if he ended up back in his seat in defeat. He would try. 

"Hey Mark! Are you listening?" His teacher spoke, picking up on his ability to lose concentration. She always picked on him, saying it was because he was too quiet to understand anything. He couldn't help it if he picked up things quicker than expected. He learned for himself not for everyone else. 

He picked his head up, looking up from his book of doodle. "Yes..." He mumbled, still engrossed in his previous task. She looked closer, looking for any work situated on his desk. "Would you like to explain what I just said or would you like me to confiscate the earphones in your ears?" She spoke.

He sighed and pulled his earphones form his ears and placing them on the desk. He sat back in his chair, seeing her turn around. Crossing his arms over his chest he felt a rush of frustration. "Why does she have to be such a bitch?" He mumbled once more, hoping her ears were losing. 

She stopped in her tracks, pausing her movements before turning and trotting over to Mark. "What did you just call me?" She snarled, towering herself over Mark. He looked towards her finally fed up with her antics. "Don't act like I'm the one in the wrong here..." He spoke, turning his head and looking out the window beside him. 

She scoffed, "Please go wait outside Mark." She pointed towards the door, raising her finger in that direction. Mark stayed put and continued to stare out the window. "You know what, I am fed up with your behaviour and I am done being quiet." Mark spoke, finally turning to look towards her. She raised her eyebrow at him, everyone around beginning to understand the situation. 

Mark stood in front of her, instantly towering over her small figure. "What did I do to you? Can't you see I don't like it here and I am bored of people assuming that just because I'm shy and quiet doesn't mean I won't listen." He spoke, his tone beginning to rise with anger. 

At this point, the classroom had become dead silent. People were shocked; no one had ever heard him speak this much and yet standing up to the most hated teacher in school. 

No-one in the whole school had ever heard him speak more than 3 words. Not even his most liked teachers had more than the regular. His answers were short and snappy, always trying to avoid long and random conversations with someone he met in the hallway. 

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