Chapter 22

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I watched solemnly as Zoey zipped up his suitcase. He said he was leaving for a few days to go to Atlanta because his kids missed him. I knew that was only part of the reason he was going to Atlanta. He was going to spend time with Zonnique; I just wish he would be up front with me about everything. I understood that his kids needed him, but what about me? I needed him too. I know I screwed up, but I still loved him and I knew that he loved me too. He had too; why else would he screw up his marriage in order to be with me? I just hoped that when he went to Atlanta that he wasn't sleeping with her. That would kill me.

"Where are you going to stay?" I questioned quietly while rubbing Dakota's back so she could fall asleep. Since the truth has come out about her, Zoey seems hesitant about getting close to her but I can tell he loves her. You can't turn love on and off, especially when it comes to a kid. She's almost three months old now and is starting to look more and more like Prodigy. I still haven't told him that he was Dakota's dad. That would just cause a conflict that I didn't want to deal with right now. I was more concerned with keeping my man.

"Prince's place," He answered softly as he put his windbreaker on.

"When will you be back?" I asked, trying to push further, but not wanting to push him. I was beginning to realize that he didn't like to be questioned about his motives, he didn't like it when I asked questions especially when it came to what he did in Atlanta or anything about me questioning him how much he loved me and when the divorce was going to be final.

"I don't know yet. I want to spend some time with my kids, though since I haven't seen them in so long. They miss their dad," he said with a smile as he thought about Jayden and Brielle. I hadn't met his kids yet; he kept coming up with reasons for me not to meet them; that was another reason why I was beginning to question him actually leaving Zonnique-he hadn't let me meet his kids yet.

I swallowed the knot in my throat, "Do you love me?" I blurted out. Zoey turned to me with a puzzled look.

"Of course I love you, why would you ask me a question like that?"

"Because if you really loved me you would stay here with me instead of leaving," I said softly, my face turning red at asking him a question like that.

"I have to see my children, Bahja. They deserve to have their dad in their lives," he said gruffly.

"But I deserve to have my boyfriend!" I countered, raising my voice slightly, ready to start a fight with him. I know I shouldn't fight with him right before he leaves; that would just push him back into Nique's arms and further away from me.

He rolled his eyes, "I don't have time to argue with you. I'll be back soon and we'll talk then." Zoey came over and kissed the top of Dakota's head. He leaned down to give me a kiss but I turned my head away; I didn't want to be bothered. He sighed in frustration, grabbed his bags and stormed out of the room. I sniffled as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I'm tired of the lies and I'm tired of the way he keeps flip-flopping back and forth between me and Nique; just like he used to. All I want is Zoey to be mine and I don't think it's ever going to be that way. Maybe it's time to give up?


"Hey, Mama," I greeted while walking up the stairs to my parents' house.

"Hey baby," She replied with a smile before taking Dakota out of my hands. "How's Nana's little angel?" Shamori cooed to her granddaughter.

"She's good but she's being fussy today. I think she misses Zoey," I said softly as I stepped into their home and took a seat on the couch. My mother immediately looked displeased with the mention of Zoey. She still thought that he was the father of Dakota; I couldn't very well admit to my mama that I had been sleeping around, could I?

"Where is he, anyway?" She questioned, sitting down next to me, cradling Dakota close to her.

"He went up to Atlanta to see his other two kids," I said quietly, not really wanting to talk about Atlanta or the kids or Zonnique right now. I wanted my mama to feel bad for me that my boyfriend had gone up north without taking me with him and her to feel bad for me that my boyfriend was always gone. I knew that I wasn't going to get any sympathy from her however.

Shamori shook her head, "You do realize that he's screwing around with that ex-wife of his, right?"

"Ma, please don't mention that. I'm already nervous about him being there," I admitted.

"If he was all for you, you wouldn't have anything to be nervous about." A few stray tears rolled down my cheeks. I loved Zoey with all my heart but I knew he didn't feel the same. I could try to make him mine, I could try to marry him but would it even work? His heart belongs to her. No matter how much I didn't want to admit it, my mom was definitely correct; I had been playing with fire from the beginning and now I was getting burned.

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