Chapter Eighteen

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The drawing in this chapter is my art. I worked really hard on it, so please do not copy or reuse it without my direct permission. Thank you. 




Marinette is Ladybug.

Ladybug is Marinette.

Marinette is Ladybug is Marinette is Ladybug.

I fly across Paris, my feet landing on roof to roof. My heart pounds, the world feels strange and magical. Marinette is Ladybug...

Why did I never realize this? How could I never put together the sweet, stuttery human being whom I love, so obviously exactly like the heroic, fantastic and wonderful girl? I laugh out loud, flinging across Paris.

I land at last on the Eiffel Tower, feeling severe romantic energy pumping love into my bloodstream. God, I sound ridiculous. 

But it's the best thing that's ever happened to me. I feel like falling down and just...for the first time, treasuring the fact that I am alive. 

"Chat Noir, are you okay?" Ladybug peers down at me. I study her midnight blue hair, her blue bell eyes, sparkling with light and beauty, her plump pink lips, the roundness of her face...

Exactly like Marinette. 

"I love you, Marinette." I whisper. She stares at me, her face filled with shock. "I- I'm not Marinette..." she says, trying to cover up her surprise. I take her face in both hands, bringing her to me. 

"I love you." I murmer, and then kiss her. 

She doesn't move away, instead leaning in, her eyes lidded, eyelashes resting against pale cheeks. When she finally pulls away, she looks down at me, her face so beautiful and perfect I could never look away. I pull her down, flipping her to rest on my side. 

She laughs, sweet eyes sparkling. "This is probably a mistake," she tells me, kissing me once again. I smirk wickedly. "No doubts, princess." 

Ladybug lays her head on my chest, and we sit quietly. "Come," I say suddenly, picking her up.

"Whoah, Chat!" she gasps. I nuzzle her, then off we leap. We swing through the air, her clinging onto me as tightly as she can.

I finally land on top of her patio, but I still hold her close. "I'm so happy," I tell her quietly. "It's so hard to love two people. I am obsessed with you, but I am also obsessed with Marinette. I love both of you. I love you. I love her. And your her, and she's you." 

Marinette's eyes sparkle in the moonlight. "I love you, Chat." she tells me. But while I feel like flying, I also know I'm about to sink. She still doesn't know I'm Adrien. And when she does know, she's going to drop me like a hot tomato. 

I'm not ready to lose her, just yet. 

"I'm gonna come tomorrow, okay Bugaboo?" I mutter into her ear. 

She nods. "We have a lot to discuss, though, Chat. I know we have feelings for one another, but you now know my identity. This can be...problematic. There are so many dangers, and -"

"I know," I cut her off. "We're gonna talk about it tomorrow, okay?" 

She relents. "Okay. Good night, Chaton." 

                                                 "Good night, Chaton

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                                                 "Good night, Chaton."

I peck her on the forehead, then I leap off. 

I'm terrified that tomorrow I will lose her. But I have a responsibility to her. 

Tomorrow decides whether I keep my Bugaboo or not. 

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