Chapter Eleven

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Natalie frowns, her lips tight as she studies something on her phone.

I watch her quietly, trying for what must be the billionth time my feelings for her. Me and Natalie, are...complicated. I don't quite know how to describe it, but I certainly cannot say that our relationship is utterly platonic. 

If my wife, Emilie, had truly died, I may have married or have been interested in Natalie. But I cannot be too sure. All I do know is that I must keep my distance, and stay calm and cool. 

"Sir." Natalie says the word, barely looking up. It amazes me how when she calls me, I feel a vague thrill, which I try to ignore. Stay professional, Gabriel, I warn myself.

Natalie silently hands me her phone, gazing at the wall while she waits for my reaction. The phone shows a photo of Adrien with a young girl who has blue pigtails and a light smile. He has his lips pressed to her cheek as a kiss, and her eyes are squeezed tight, a blush visibly covering her face. 

Underneath it says: Omg, cuteness. Who ships Adrinette!? Leave a like.

"What is this?" I ask, handing back Natalie her phone. She scrolls through more photos, her voice light as she speaks carefully. "I would say that Adrien has fallen in love with someone, sir."

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