Chapter Fourteen

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My roof trapdoor leading to my patio opens. 

A pair of black ears pop out followed by a solemn looking Chat Noir. I have a flashback of his claws ripping into my skin, and give an involuntary flinch.

But I've forgiven him. I guess I deserved it. After pushing him away to kissing him just when he was teetering on the edge of falling back in love with me? That wasn't fair. 

I remember his words. "Ladybug, I don't want to love you anymore. I really don't. I just want to see you as a friend, nothing more." Of course, his words definitely make sense, but they hit close to a touchy subject.


"Hi, Marinette," Chat says, dropping onto my bed. I blink, broken from my train of thought. "Um...hey, Chat. Don't treat him differently. To him your Marinette, not Ladybug, and he has nothing against Marinette.

"What brings you to my room?" I ask casually, leaning back. He shrugs.

Grunting, Chat swiftly leaps from my bed to join me by my bedroom floor. "Were you crying?" he murmurs, peering into my eyes. I stare back into the dark green eyes with black slits along the middle, both feline eyes gazing at me with honest concern.

I smile weakly. "I've had...a few tough nights. Remember when I told you about that boy? Well, he uh...he..." I burst into tears, feeling my pain and sadness bubble up to the surface. 

Chat reaches over and holds me close, holding me in a gentle embrace. I sigh, feeling the safety and warmth of him. 


My roof trap-door slams open, revealing a huge...snow flake? My tears and Adrien forgotten, I leap backward, gasping in shock. 

Chat shields me, his eyes narrowed as he studies the strange phenomenon. "Akuma." he mutters. He pulls me into my closet, giving me a wink. "Stay in here. We'll talk soon."

He slams the closet door. 

I panic quietly as I hear him leap into the night, and my room is silent. "Tikki!" I whisper-shout. My kwamii appears in the closet, her beautiful eyes filled with worry. "Marinette, are you..."

"I'm fine. Let's transform. Tikki, Spots On!" I order. 

After I transform, I leap out of my room, flying off and into the night. What greets my eyes is total chaos. Snowflakes are everywhere. The snowflakes are bigger than my body, and they whoosh all over Paris, sprinkling bits and pieces of snow. 

Whenever it touches someone, they freeze, breathing out gusts of wind, making Paris all the colder. I brush my bangs from my face, narrowing my brows. Where is Chat?

My partner appears beside me, his mouth tight-lipped. "The center of the snow is...there!" he points toward a huge globe. The globe is a bright blue, so flashy that it's nearly white. Literally, light flashes from it every few seconds.

I can see a small figure inside, a little arm pointed towards the top of the dome. The figure is inside the dome. 

Me and Chat jump, avoiding the huge flakes. He leaps out of view, and suddenly yells over his shoulder: "I broke up with my girlfriend!" 

I keep throwing my yo-yo, trying to keep up. "Why?" I call. "I realized you were getting in the way of my love for her. You get in the way of all my love!" he replies.

My guilt tightens my chest. I could defend myself, but I know he's right. 

We arrive at the dome. I can see the whole thing expanding. Suddenly, I hear a familiar song arising from the depths of it, but before I can piece it together, humongous snowflakes erupt, followed by shards of ice. 

In less than twelve seconds, the dome explodes, sending ice like shattered glass everywhere. And before I even have a chance to understand what just happened, a huge ice castle explodes from the ground. I see a small figure atop it. 

It's an amazing masterpiece. There are beautiful ice decorations along it, detailed and meticulous art. I see an ice chandelier, ice chairs, and ice couches and rugs inside the clear castle. 

The voice singing the song finally comes clear, booming throughout Paris. "My name is Ice Queen! I am angry because my mom won't buy me an Elsa dress!" it's the voice of a young girl, high and angry. 

I raise an eyebrow at Chat. "Whenever you feel the touch of my snowflakes, you will turn to snow!" the girl yells. She suddenly starts to sing a very familiar, incredible annoying, and just down-right catchy rendition of Let It Go.

I groan. "Hawkmoth get's more and more creative every Akuma, doesn't he." Chat laughs at my remark. "The kid is like what, five?" he shakes his head.

I feel my heart warm at the way he is treating me much more kindly. I'm about to throw my yo-yo, when I feel a startling pain in my left arm. 

I wince, holding my arm to my side. Chat's smile disappears, and his eyes darken. "Let me help you with that." he picks me up, cradling me in his arms as he leaps off toward the ice palace. 

Chat gently drops me off on the ground of the structure, giving me a cheeky wink. 

The fight is a blur, my head spinning as I try to focus. Chat somehow rescues the Akuma (I only help once with a lucky charm) and comes rushing over to me. I de-akumatize the white moth, and send it on it's way. 

After fixing the damaged parts of Paris and saving the civilians, we bring the little girl to her mother, who cries thankfully. 

My arm still throbs, but the cold of the ice palace has numbed the pain. Chat Noir gives me a pitiful smile, gently gathering me in his arms once more and taking us both to the Eiffel Tower. He drops me on the ground and walks over to gaze at the sun set.

"I'm sorry." he says, startling me. He turns to look at me, his eyes filled with shame. "I'm sorry for scratching you. I was angry and..." he shakes his head. "There's no excuse. Please forgive me, Ladybug, for everything I've said. Honestly, life has been a bit tough lately, and it's getting pretty hard to keep on smiling." 

"I'm also sorry, Chat. Kissing you was so...inappropriate. It actually may have inadvertently wrecked my relationship with my boyfriend. Yeah, we broke up." I admit. 

"The truth is, I love you, Ladybug. I love your eyes, your hair, your nose, your face...everything. And I know I said I hated it...but I love you, and I love loving you." Chat says. 

I feel a blush travel across my face. I am so, so tempted to kiss this perfect boy, but I refrain. I need to think, tonight. I need to think. 

"Thanks, Chat." I finally reply. "I...needed to hear that. And while I need some time to think...I love you, too."

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