Chapter Six

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Marinette pulls back slowly, her eyes closed, long lashes resting on her cheeks. 

I stare in wonder at her beautiful, soft face. How could I not have noticed this perfect, wonderful, incredible girl before? I was so obsessed with a girl who was never meant to be mine. 

I think about the polka-dotted hero. Once upon a time, her name made my heart flutter, her eyes seemed to see right through me, pin-pointing my lovesick soul. Whenever she touched me, my skin was on fire. Ladybug had made me feel alive, filled with energy. 

But this girl, Marinette, is different. She makes me feel safe, loved. Now, with her gazing at me shyly and sweetly, my heart is calm, but all I see is her. 

Wow, I had no idea I am so poetic, I think.

Marinette suddenly blinks, her eyes wide. "Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. I just kissed Adrien, I mean you, I mean...oh my gosh." she backs away from me, pushing a hand through her bangs. I watch her, a gentle smile on my lips. 

She stands up suddenly. "I can't...what about Kagami?! Aren't you in love with her? Oh my gosh." she closes her eyes shut, her hands opening and closing in fists by her side. I get up, worried that she'll walk away. 

"Marinette," I say softly, holding her hands in mine. She tries to pull her hands away, staring at the ground. "Marinette," I repeat. "Look at me...please."

She finally looks at me, and to my surprise, her beautiful blue bell eyes are sparkling with tears of embarrassment and fear. "Marinette...I never said I'm in love with Kagami. I said I'm in love with you." I sigh.

She blinks again, tilting her head in confusion. "But why? I've loved you for months, and now you notice?" I wince at her words, knowing she's right. 

"I guess...the truth is...I've always been in love with another girl, yet she constantly rejected me. It hurt so badly, always felt like a stab, directly in my heart." a tear trickles down my cheek.

Marinette reaches out a finger and delicately brushes the tear away. "I- I realized it was pointless. She would never love me. So, I kinda realized..." I tighten my lips, thinking desperately. I can't tell Marinette that I'm Chat Noir, but what's a good excuse for falling for her?

She smiles softly, taking a breath. "I love you, Adrien." she says. 

"I-" I can't say the words. I know the moment I do, I lose Ladybug. 

"I love you, Marinette."

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