Chapter Two

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Marinette stands in front of the class, her cheeks flaming red. 

Her bluebell eyes turn particularly shiny, the tears in them glistening like stars. Lila has a self-satisfied smirk, and I can see her nails dig deeper into Marinette's skin; which causes Marinette to flinch. I give Lila my best STOP face, but she ignores me. Why isn't Marinette doing something? I heard her complaining earlier about the test with Alya, so she's probably too tired to talk.

My mind races with ways to help my friend out of this Lila situation. I can't offer to help Marinette with her foot: that would simply prove that Lila is telling the truth, and that I'm agreeing with her that what she says is true. But I can't say nothing either, that would mean I am silently agreeing as well. Marinette's my friend, and I know that if I were in this situation, she would help me. My brain files for more options.

A drop slides down Marinette's cheek, and that seals the deal. I stand up, making a move to cross over to the girls and pull them apart. 

But before I can save my desperate friend, everyone's phone wails two sharp sirens. 

An Akuma Alert.

Marinette forgotten, the class joins in front of the class, in a straight and orderly line. There's an obvious space between Marinette and the other students, though. It's small, but it's there. Even Alya doesn't stand close to her. My heart squeezes as Marinette tries to get closer, but the class subtly moves away. 

"Sorry, girl. We'll look at your feet soon, okay?" Alya whispers. I don't really blame her, because even though the last thing she obviously wants to do is deal with an ingrown toenail, at least she tried. Marinette doesn't respond. 

I have to do something.

I walk up to Marinette, filling the space. She glances up, her mouth curling into a sweet, shy smile. She's so cute. I mean, I always knew that, but today she looks cuter than usual. Suddenly, on impulse, I reach down and clutch her hand in mine. She stares at the small insignificant move I just made, a blush flaming over her face.

My friend has always been adorably attractive, with dark blue hair (I've never seen hair as silky and blue as hers, unless we're counting Ladybug, but funnily enough, they both call themselves a bluenette), bluebell eyes that sparkle with passion and kindness, and a small pointed nose with a smattering of freckles as small as sugar grains.

Her scent fills my nostrils, distracting me. I didn't have breakfast this morning, and she smells like cinnamon buns and hot chocolate, with a smidge of vanilla. Marinette takes a breath, and shyly sidles up to me, staring determinedly at the ground. She's probably embarrassed about the whole feet thing. 

"I didn't believe Lila." I whisper into her ear. She looks up at me, her eyes sparkling. She mouthes thank you as we follow the class.

Her hands are surprisingly soft, which isn't surprising because Marinette is a baker. Still, they feel nice.

The teacher begins to lead us out the door, and other classes do the same, gathering together in a small congregation by the bathrooms on the bottom floor. I frown. 

I need to get out of here.

"Do you mind if I go to the bathroom?" Marinette and I say at the same time. She blinks. I laugh softly. "Go ahead, m'lady." I say, stepping aside, and dropping her hand. My hand feels cold without her hand fitted in it. She glances at me in confusion. "Um...sure, good sir." Marinette finally giggles. She curtsies at me, and I take a last sniff of her heavenly smell. 

I run toward the direction of the mens room, and she scurries off to the ladies room. 

I hide in a stall, sighing with relief. But also mild sadness. I kind of wanted to stay there with Marinette. She's my really shy, sweet and adorable friend, and I love hanging out with her. Also, something about her makes me want to stand close, especially today.

Plagg (my cheesy kwamii) jumps from my shirt pocket, interrupting my train of thought. "Someone was giving you goo-goo eyes!" he snickers, dancing in a circle. I roll my eyes. "She's just a friend." I shrug. Marinette may be really cute and kind, but my heart belongs to Ladybug. Maybe if I'd met Marinette before, I would've loved her first. But I don't know. 

"It was like watching a cheesy romance movie!" Plagg raves. "But not as good as real cheese, obviously." I watch him as he does spins and circles. "I have to transform!" I tell Plagg, but he completely ignores me. As I open my mouth for the transformation order, the bathroom door opens. 

I freeze, tucking my legs together as I sit on the seat of the toilet. "Chat Noir?" a familiar voice calls out. I grin my Chat Noir grin, even though I'm still Adrien, and also no one can see me. "I'm here, m'lady!" I call. 

Red feet with black polka dots sprinkled over them strides up to me, stopping in front of my stall. "What are you doing in the bathroom? Wait, you didn't transform yet?" Ladybug says scoldingly. "Um...I was busy going to the bathroom?" I reply, knowing it's a weak excuse. 

Ladybug groans. "Fine. I'll head over to the scene of the crime." I wait for her to walk away, but she stays right where she is. "Do you need anything?" I ask anxiously. I need to transform before she asks about Adrien. I have no doubt she saw him -- me -- go into the bathroom. 

"Um..." Ladybug's usually powerful and confident voice is suddenly lowered by a notch. "Did you happen to see a kid with blond hair? I saw him walk back here and I'm worried he's not safe." Aaaand her strong voice is back, full force.

Oh, camenbert. She's talking about Adrien. "Oh, him?" I think hurriedly. "He headed out and rejoined the group. I saw him passing by when I came here. I was um...searching for something and randomly popped in here in time to get ready for transformation." I say nervously, trying to come up with an excuse without giving away my identity.

I suddenly remember something. "You didn't see a blue-haired girl with pigtails, did you? She's like a head shorter than me, and she has blue eyes and-"

 "You mean Marinette? She's fine." Ladybug says curtly, cutting me off.

"I'm going to go now. Come join me when you transform." Ladybug says. I hear her footsteps trail away, and then she's gone. 

"Plagg, Claws Out!"

After I finish transforming, I run out of the bathroom, sneaking silently out of the school. 

Time to go save the world. 

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