Chapter Twelve

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I burst into tears yet again, feeling the drops travel down my cheeks. 

I lick my lips, feeling the dryness of the soft skin. Looking in my bathroom mirror, I study my red face. I didn't even know I was capable of crying this much. 

My arm hurts where Chat scratched me, but my heart hurts harder. I think I'm finally understanding what Chat feels like whenever I push him away. But my pain is so magnified. 

I can't believe what happened today...


I start up the school steps, keeping my arm close to my side. 

I didn't dare use a cast or go to a doctor. I couldn't let anyone piece together me and Ladybug. Someone may have gotten footage or seen me getting hurt by Chat Noir, and my arm bleeding.

So, I had wrapped it in a soft bandage, making sure the ripped skin was comfortable. 

Alya opened the school door, noticing me and running forward, giving me a giant hug. I try not to wince when she grabs my arm. "Is Adrien here?" she asked excitedly. "Why?" I replied, immediately curious. "Gurl..." she shakes her head, sighing. "It's his birthday today!" 

"OMIGOD WHAT?!?!" I yelped, grabbing Alya's shoulders and throttling her. 

She shoved me away, laughing. " Sweetie, it's today! But, since I'm a genius, I knew you'd forget." she reached into her backpack, removing a small wrapped gift. "There are two bracelets in here, the kind of bracelets with a heart split in two, so you both have a half of each others heart. I even got it customized, with you first letter in your name on his, and vice versa."

I wrapped my arms around her, squealing. "You're the stinking best, Alya!" 

"You know it," Alya said, winking. She pulled me into the school, and then waved goodbye, searching for Nino. 

I looked at the box, smiling gently. Adrien was going to love it, I was sure of it. 

"Hey, Adrien!" someone called out. I turned my head, seeing my boyfriend at the door of the school. "Hi, Adrien!" I called out, running to him. 

I hugged him, but weirdly enough, he didn't respond to me, and didn't hug me back. Instead, he pulled away, and looked down at me. "...Adrien?" I asked. 

"Marinette, I need to talk to you," he said, his voice a tad too serious for my liking. But I nodded. "Oh, uh, sure!" 

He grabbed my arm (unfortunately my wounded one), and took me into the locker room. The second we got there, he let go of me, backing away a bit, leaving too much of an uncomfortable space. 

"Look...Marinette. The truth is, I still care about you, but...I don't...I'm not in love with you. I think you're a wonderful person...but...I just don't feel that way about you."

The words rolled out of his mouth, and he gazed into my eyes. I felt my heart sink, the pain was incredible. "I...are you...are you dumping me?" I whispered. He gave me a nod. 

I gasped, crumpling over, my hand over my stomach. "Are you okay?!" Adrien yelped. He tried helping me, but I pushed him away. "Go away." I whispered. He didn't move. "GO AWAY!!!" I screamed. He looked at me one last time, before leaving the room. 

I dropped to the floor, tears rolling down my cheeks. I don't know why this hurt me so much. I felt like someone close to me died, not like I had a breakup. 

I looked down at my gift for his birthday, then through it across the room. It banged against the wall, before crashing to the ground. 


I stare at the wall of my room listlessly. I've cried so many tears I can't cry any longer. 

I haven't told anyone about the breakup, except for Alya. She just left my house, and she was furious when she heard. She told me she will talk to Nino, who in turn will speak with Adrien. But to no point! Adrien doesn't love me. He told me himself. And there is no way he will change his mind from the words of his friend. 

Love is something that can't be changed, altered, or fixed. 

I lie down, closing my eyes. 

That's when I hear a thump from my patio.

OMG, guys! I just read like a bazillion posts that adrinette is confirmed to be a real couple in either season 4 or season 5!!!!!!!

I'm literally squealing and jumping up and down. 


Okay,  anyway, I will be posting more chapters and hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. 

I ended the chapter a bit early because I'm too happy to write depressing stuff (LOL).


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