Chapter Five

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Ms. Bustier gives our class a warm smile.

"Students, I've decided that this week you will be doing a project on the history of France and America. Each of you will be given a subject, and our school will be presenting it at the France History Museum's new exhibit for French-American History."

We all clap, and me and Alya exchange grins. Whenever we work together, everything goes perfectly, since Alya does the research and I do the finishing touches of art, design, or simply the style of it. 

"No partners." Ms. Bustier says, breaking everyone out of their gleeful cheer. 

Lila stands up in her seat, frowning. "Ms. Bustier, I was hoping we could have partners because each part of the America and French history is so complex! When my family visited America for a charity campaign for the orphanages there, we visited an incredible museum! There was so much information and things to learn, I think it would be best for everyone to work with a partner."

While there was a few lies entangled in Lila's little speech, it has the right effect. We all give Ms. Bustier puppy eyes, and a few girls take it to another level, pouting their lips like little children. Ms. Bustier cracks, laughing at us gently. "You can all have partners...but I will be choosing." 

Me and Alya shrug. It's annoying, but most of the kids in our class are my friends, so it shouldn't be too bad. And we're lucky we even get partners. Ms. Bustier reaches into her desk, fumbling around for a minute. 

Finally, she pulls out a jar with little pieces of paper. From where I'm sitting I can see some names scribbled on the paper. "I'll choose a paper, and whoever comes out next, you'll be partnered with." she reaches into the jar, selecting two papers. As she pulls out more, she announces name after name. 

"Kim and Alix..." 

The two students give each other a look. Kim looks a little annoyed, but he shrugs casually. Alix pretends she couldn't care less, but I know her better. A few weeks ago, Alix admitted her crush on the jock, so obviously she's more than vaguely happy about their partnership. 

"Alya and Mylene..." 

Mylene gives Alya a huge smile, and Alya returns it. While I was hoping we could be partnered, there is still plenty of other options in the class. 

"Juleka and Rose...Nathaniel and Marc...Ivan and Nino...Max and Jamie...Sabrina and Chloe..."

I breathe a sigh of relief. Now that Chloe is taken...wait a second. There are only two students left. Adrien and...Lila. "Where is Sabrina?" Ms. Bustier suddenly says. I glance over at Sabrina and Chloe's seat. The orange-haired girl is missing.

"Dentist." Chloe grumbles.

My eyes go wide. I have all odds against me. I squeeze my eyes shut. Please not Lila or Chloe, please not Lila or Chloe, please choose Adrien please choose Adrien...

"Marinette and..." Ms. Bustier's voice drags out as she reads the second slip of paper. 

Please please please with cherries on top and sprinkles please please be Adrien be Adrien!

"Adrien!" Ms. Bustier says, giving us both a warm smile. I bite my lip, trying to hide my smile. Adrien's head peeks over the desk, and he beams at me. "We're partners!" he tells me, stating the obvious. But it's Adrien, so I giggle noisily. "Yep!"

"Chloe and Lila, you two are the last left so you will be partners." Chloe raises an eyebrow, and Lila rolls her eyes. I hide my laugh. Looks like Lila's little plan backfired.

"Everyone may sit with their partners and choose a subject. Then bring it to me so I can give it a check." 

Adrien plops next to me, leaning in close. His scent fills my nostrils, and it's weirdly familiar. But I'm too busy blushing to connect the dots. "I was thinking we'd base our project on Lafayette and Hamilton." he announces. I nod quickly, my face flaming. "T-that's great, Adrien." I stutter weakly. 

He reaches over the desk, stretching for a pencil. In the process, his hand brushes mine. I feel faint. Oh, butterflies.


"Oh my god. Adrien and Marinette, partners?" Alya mimics an explosion. I laugh nervously, brushing a strand of hair away from my face. Me and Alya are sitting by the school steps, waiting for the bell to ring. It's lunch, and Alya is smiling at me, shaking her head.

"I don't know, Alya. It's not like I'm going to say to him: hey, cutie, I've had a crush on you for about a year already, and yet you still don't notice me? Yeah, I don't think so." I giggle. 

"Hey, Marinette!" Adrien comes around the corner, Nino by his side. Nino is giving Alya a very weird expression, and he makes a flurried move with his hand. Her jaw drops, and she hurriedly stands up. "I gotta go, Marinette. Um...Nino needs to talk to me." I frown as she zooms off, dragging Nino with her.

"Hey, Marinette," Adrien says, but there's something weird about his voice. It's a little bit...shy? He sits next to my, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Uh, Marinette...I have to tell you something. So, uh, as you know, I've always kinda treated you as a friend..."

I stare at him in shock, my mind reeling. 

"But, um, I feel...different now. Um, Marinette...I think I am, um, in love with you?" Adrien gives me a shy, questioning smile. My eyes go wide, and I stare at him. 

"Uh, so do you wanna...?" he trails off, waving his hand. 

I try to speak, but nothing comes out. I've been hoping for this moment for years, and I practiced hundreds of times what to respond. But it seems every line in my head has vanished. 

So, I answer the question with what I hope is a clear answer. I lean forward, looking deep into his green eyes, and kiss him.

OMG, cliffhanger! Haha sorry guys. I know I haven't updated in a while cuz of personal stuff, but I should be updating way more. Luv ya guys.


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