Chapter Thirteen

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WARNING: Some mild smut. 


I step into my limo, barely glancing up as Nino yells goodbye. I sigh as I settle in my seat. The entire day I've just felt...empty. 

Marinette completely ignored me, acting as though I were some piece of trash that she didn't want to deal with.

And I deserve it.

I look out the window, watching the world flutter by. I don't know whether breaking up with Marinette was the stupidest or best decision I've ever made.

But I definitely don't feel good, or even a sense of accomplishment. I just feel a sense of loss, like I've dropped something precious that is too far away to save. 

When we arrive at my house, I open the door, sighing and looking at my feet. I see the silhouette of my father. He's standing at the top of the stairs, the drama king that he is flaring in full glamour. 

"Adrien, I hear that you are in a relationship. I command you to break it off at-" he begins. 

I feel all my hurt and rage blast to the surface. "Well, that problem has already been dealt with." I hiss. I storm up the stairs, blowing past my father. 

Opening my bedroom door, I drop my book bag, preparing to drop on my bed and just cry. But someone is already on my bed. For a split moment I assume it's Ladybug, but the iconic pig-tails usually decorating her blue hair is missing. 

Kagami Tsurgi, my ex-girlfriend, gazes at me quietly. We dated for a few months, when I began to realize our relationship was toxic. She needed a lot of attention, and constantly tried to get me to kiss her, hold her, and love her.

I care about Kagami, but I can't love her. I don't have the strength that she needs, the love and attention she desperately calls for. Unfortunately, she doesn't understand this concept, and has tried hundreds of times to get me to be with her, but to no avail.

Having her in my room, especially now, is not helping. 

"Adrien..." Kagami says, standing up. "I'm leaving back to Japan." her words are icy and feel like a punch.

"Y-you're what?!" I gasp. "I'm leaving forever." Kagami clarifies. I sit down in my chair, my mind reeling. "I-" before I can speak, Kagami rushes over, bends down to my level, and kisses me. 

But for the first time since I can remember, I don't pull away. In fact, I do quite the opposite. I kiss her right back. 


Kagami pulls away when there is a knock at the door.

I look around the room, tightening my lips. My shirt is on the floor, along with my coat. Kagami's shirt accompanies it, all the articles of dress in a crumpled mess.

She's on my lap, and we're both breathing heavily. Heavy make-out session just happened.

"Oh my god." I gasp, my eyes wide. "Kagami? You're mother is here." Natalie says calmly through the door. 

"Holy- Kagami, get off of me." I say. She shakes her head, pushing a hand through her hair, trying to kiss me. "No." I refuse, pulling my head away. 

I can't believe this just happened. I'm only fifteen for goodness sake. Also, I don't love Kagami. or do I? Who do I love? What the hell is wrong with me?

I shove Kagami off of me. Her eyes widen, and tears fill them. Her betrayed expression is all too familiar, so I look away. "Adrien..." she says desperately. 

When I ignore her, her eyes flash. She pulls back on her shirt, throwing me my tops back with a bit more force than necessary. Suddenly, she kicks over my bedside table. "Adrien-" she kicks over my Foosball table, "is-" Kagami punches a hole in my wall. "A-"

She walks around my room, kicking and punching and wrecking my stuff, pronouncing cutting words and insults each time she wrecks something. "Big - Fat - Liar - And - A - Selfish - Disgusting - Terrible - Excuse - For - A - Human - Being." Kagami finishes, giving me a shove on the head. She leaves my room gracefully, skipping downstairs. 

I sit for a while, not bothering to put my clothes back on, or close my door. 

Plagg does me the favor, shutting my door and then raising (I dunno how he did it but he did) a single eyebrow. "Wow, Agreste. Let me just say, you've definitely broken some hearts today." his voice is icy and cold. 

I can't listen to him talk. 

"Plagg, Claws Out!" 

I transform, leaping out my window, and flying away from home.

I don't know where to go. Suddenly, a girl's who's heart I'd recently broken pops into my mind. Marinette. For some reason, I want to find her. Check on her.  

I leap from roof to roof throughout Paris, until I spot the familiar rooftop. 

I land on it, setting off a small thump. 

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