Chapter Eight

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"Holy butterflies, what time is it?" 

Chat Noir stands beside me, checking the built-in-phone on his pole. "Four A.M? Wow, Hawkmoth must have had a good night's sleep." he sighs.

We've just defeated an Akumatized Sabrina, and me and Chat are waiting by her dad's house. I ring the doorbell again, and Sabrina gives me an exhausted smile. "Sorry, Ladybug, my dad's a deep sleeper." she says apologetically. 

I pat Chloe's sidekick on the back. "It's all good. Maybe try not to watch scary movies late at night so you don't get scared." I smile gently. 

She blushes, looking at her feet. "Yeah." Sabrina murmurs. I smile again, but this time a little sadly. It always hurts me to see Sabrina so meek and shy, when she actually has a lot of personality. I hate that Chloe shuts her spirit down. No one deserves that. 

The door suddenly opens, and an exhausted Officer Roger opens the door. I explain to him what happened, and why me and Chat are here so late, and he gives us a tired yet thankful smile, and brings his daughter in. 

"Pound it." I yawn, raising a clenched fist for Chat to return. Oddly enough, he completely ignores my hand and sighs, looking at his feet. "Um...Ladybug. Do you want to go for some coffee? I have to tell you something." 

I feel nervousness creep up my throat. I know I've been pushing off telling Chat about my boyfriend, Adrien (I still can't believe I get to call him that!). 

Me and Adrien have been officially dating for about three days, and I've been living the dream. I wake up with renewed excitement, rushing to school. The second I see him, my heart sings with delight. Adrien is mine Adrien is mine Adrien is mine.

I guess I didn't really have to tell Chat for a while, but I know it's my responsibility. Although, I really don't want to see the tight, broken expression that will certainly be decorating his face. 

I sigh. "Sure, Chat. I'd love to go for coffee. I...I need to talk to you as well."


We arrive at the coffee shop, landing on the roof. 

Chat Noir gives me a small grin. "Hot chocolate?" he asks. I nod. 

He jumps off the roof to get our orders, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I'm slightly nervous about that Chat has to tell me. I  have a sudden realization. Holy butterflies, is he moving? I think, horror setting in. What would I do without Chat?

I know we have our differences, but Chat is my partner. He always has my back, no matter what. He cares about me, he knows my quirks, and my personality. I don't think I could live without him. 

As more fears and wonders seize me, Chat returns, breaking me out of my trance. He hands me a steaming cup, and I take a deep whiff, the sweet smell of the hot drink comforting me. 

There are a few minutes of silence as we drink quietly, but the pressure of what we both have to say is hanging over us like a shadow.

Finally, Chat puts down his drink. " So basically, I know you know that I've um...I've been in love with you for a while..." he begins.

I frown. This conversation is not going the way I thought it would. 

", the truth is...I uh, uh, I have a girlfriend." his cheeks go bright red, and he doesn't look at me. 

I blink in surprise. And then, a small glimmer of happiness sparkles in my stomach. " have a girlfriend?" I say quietly. He must have taken my words for being jealous, because he looks up hurriedly.

"Don't worry! I still like you, I mean, as a friend and...sorry, I don't know what I'm saying." he hides his face with his hands, sighing.

I laugh. "So, Chat...the truth is, I also have someone special in my life." I say shyly. He blinks in surprise, his embarrassment forgotten momentarily. "You have a girlfriend!?" he whispers, his eyes wide with shock. "Wha- no! I meant!" I giggle. "I meant I have a boyfriend."

We both share bittersweet smiles, remembering our pasts. 

And then, suddenly, inexplicably, I start to lean toward him. We're moving in harmony, his head tilting as our faces come closer and closer. And then, before I even have a chance to realize what I'm doing, our lips touch. 

It's a soft gentle kiss. His clawed hands cup my face, and he leans in deeper. I moan against his mouth, grabbing hold of his body, pressing against him. 

But reality coldly punches us both in the face. My eyes go wide as I realize what I've done. I gasp, pulling back from the kiss, my heart pounding with horror. Chat gazes at me in shock, his eyes just as round as mine. We leap away from one another, acting as though the other is toxic. 

Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh WHAT HAVE YOU DONE MARINETTE

My brain screams in my head mercilessly. I shake my head, and with barely a backward glance, I take my yo-yo and leap off the roof. 

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