Chapter Three

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The moon is beautiful tonight.

I sit on the folding chair that's set up on my patio. The stars twinkle knowingly, and I feel my body relax. I sigh, taking a deep breath of fresh air. 

Closing my eyes, my mind wonders off to earlier today. I can't believe Lila spread lies about me.  But I had called my friends earlier and proved my innocence against her claim.

I can't believe Adrien held my hand! I think, excitement coursing through me. My heart pounds, and I can feel the butterflies dancing in my stomach, like a bunch of Akumas run amok. 

Was it just for me, or for a second there, when his fingers were intertwined with mine, did his eyes flash with something more than just seeing me as a friend? As I yawn, my brain pondering, a soft thump breaks me out of my trance of thought.

I look up, surprised to see Chat Noirs face, his blond hair swishing gently, moving in the wind. I sit up, walking over to where he's perched on the black bars lining my patio. 

"Hi Chat Noir! What...wait, what's wrong?" I frown in concern. 

His face is melancholy, his eyes glittering with sadness. I reach out, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly. But I recognize the look on his face. It's his heartbreak face. He gazes down at me, giving me a tiny smile.

Then, suddenly, before I can react, he leans down and grabs my waist, pulling me into his arms and jumping off my patio. 

I yelp in surprise, wrapping my legs around his middle and clasping my hands shut over his neck. He shifts me to his side, his arm remaining firm around my waist. 

Finally, Chat drops me on top of a flat-roofed house. I lay on my butt, panting. He sits on the edge of the house, and emits a sad sigh. 

I stand up at last, and stride over to him, preparing to scold him for taking me (literally) by surprise. But then I see a tear slide down his cheek, dripping off his mask and into his lap. "What's wrong?" I ask gently, sitting next to him. 

Chat shrugs, his face pointed towards the ground. I had such a great day today, and Chat, while he drives me nuts sometimes, also deserves a nice day, too. I offer him my hand. 

"Would you like to dance, good sir?" I ask, a devious smile on my face. 

"But there's no music." Chat replies quietly. I bend over, dragging him up. "Who needs music?" I say defiantly, laughing quietly. I pull him to me, putting one clawed hand on my waist, and another on my shoulder. 

"Dance with me!" I tell him. He looks at me, his eyes sparkling. Before I know what's happening, he twirls me around, twisting me back into his arms. His lips come dangerously close to mine, his mouth twisted into a devious grin of his own. I stare at them, my face flaming red.

I giggle nervously, shoving him away. I look at the floor, clenching my hands to my side. He moves away from me, the awkwardness heavy in the air. Chat turns and walks away. 

I almost expect him to jump off the building and head home, leaving me stranded. Why are you always ruining things? I think angrily. You're so clumsy and dumb, and don't you dare be mad at Chat for leaving you here, and -

"Marinette." Chat calls over. I flinch, walking over. He's sitting over the edge of the building, his feet dangling over the edge. "Are you in love with anyone?" he asks. I startle, sitting beside him. Should I tell him how I feel about Adrien? But what if he realizes I'm Ladybug?

"Have you ever felt like someone was ripping your heart in half? Realizing no matter how hard you try, she'll never love you?" Chat whispers. I stare at him, my heart sinking. Is that how I make Chat feel?

I'm such a horrible person.

"I love someone." I say at last. Chat looks at me, surprised. "Do saying who?" he asks shyly. I think about it for a minute. 

"There's this kid in my class. His name is Adrien Agreste. Do you know him?" I glance at Chat. His eyes have gone impossibly wide. He blinks, shifting his weight. "Yeah...I know him..." he says.

"I've had a crush on him for, well, forever! But honestly, I don't think he even notices. I've tried everything. I've sent him notes, kissed his cheek once...but he alway calls me just a friend." I say the words. They taste nasty in my mouth. 

Chat flinches, his face withdrawn. "He sounds horrible." he tells me, his eyes serious. "You deserve better. Why do you even like him? Because of how he looks?" Chat acts weirdly defensive. 

I startle, shaking my head. "Of course not! I like Adrien because of who he is, as a person. Sure, he has the most dreamy eyes and perfect hair...but that's not important! He has a heart of gold. He's so sweet and considerate, and he always puts others before himself. I've seen his dad, he isn't the nicest man, it's surprising Adrien turned out so kind and loving. He's an awesome friend, and he cares about everyone!" 

I peek over at Chat. His eyes are filled with tears for about the second time. He turns his face away, wiping them hurriedly. I instantly feel guilty. I know how he feels about the subject of love, and I wouldn't be at all surprised if he related to that feeling of complete and utter love. I wonder if it was a good idea to tell him.

"Thanks for telling me, Marinette." Chat says at last. He leans over, giving me a big hug. I wrap my arms around him, breathing in his scent. 

He smells like the woods, with a tint of soap that smells like flowers. "What would I do without you, Marinette?" he whispers. 

"Now, let's get you back home."

Hey, guys! Sorry it's shorter than usual, but it was around one o'clock when I was writing it! Here is a little bit of Marichat to keep everyone happy. I promise there will be Adrinette next. 

Stay cool!


P.S I kinda just realized: where is Tikki? I mean, what? Okay, I'm not gonna edit it, but whoops lol

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