XIX • Paint Me

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The following chapters are flashback of Y/n

I'm painted over and over

Y/n's POV

White...I was white like a canvas, unpainted, yet it was peaceful. I wasn't stained, yet everyone saw the beauty of that white canvas

And I was engraved to it, and you painted me with it

I never knew, in my life that I would feel this kind of love. I thought it wouldn't last long, but you showed me how white it was, how beautiful it was. I certainly did liked it.

White...you painted me white. One layer wasn't enough so you did two. I really don't understand but, you still painted me white.

And then, I felt yellow. The first time I saw you, I must admit it wasn't a blissful moment. A lot of yellow shades overshadowed your true yellow. It was blocking my sight to see you. But you...you showed me that you're yellow paint, was your true feeling.

And that yellow moment, I can still feel the warmth of your smile. I still remember our first meeting...

And then, you painted me again with that color, each strokes you did, reminds me of our yellow memories. Each stroke you did, it made me happy. And slowly, with your brush, you painted me with yellow.

Red...the time I felt red was the moment we both shared a kiss, and the moment we made love under broad daylight. I felt red

Loving you was red, because I can still feel your warmth of hug. Your hug was hot, like a red lava of the volcano, and inside my heart your red mark was engraved into it.

And then, you started painting me with red. Each time you dip your brush with red, my heart beats louder than I expected. You used a different kind of red, where you told me that, the red paint you used, was the perfect shade of my love...

Blue...we both cried, we both loss someone. And we both mourned for it. We both felt blue, you wiped my tears with your brush, as you studied my face.

I remember the day, where we both made promise to Winter, I felt your blue paint over me, so that time you picked the blue paint, and added it to my canvas. Each time you dip on that blue paint, sad memories occurred to us, yet you still painted my canvas with blue..

And then black...you painted my canvas black as we both had our darkest time. Black was the only paint left. Black represents the hardships, we had. Black represents the pain, the agony we have. Yet you made it beautiful.

You painted my with a beautiful black. You painted me with black without hesitation.

And with your scalpel, you started to engrave my canvas. Slowly but surely, you made sure it would turn out beautiful, even though each colors represents what we have.

Slowly, you started filling me with those colors. The peaceful white canvas, you started filling with colors. So I am begging you love, to keep on doing that.

Because without you, I am nothing. Your brush strokes started to fill my white canvas. Your strokes started to fill me up. And you...you stared at me as if I am you finished masterpiece.

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