Chapter 72- "I Love You."

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"D..Dad..?" You called out.

He turned to you and smiled. "Hey, sweetheart." He replied. "It can't be.. You died right in front of my eyes.." You said. He sighed and then sat down in a chair. "That's what you and everyone else thought." He told you, coolly. "How could you?! You left mom and I to suffer for all of those years!" You yelled at him.

He sighed. "That wasn't your mom, sweet pea." He told you with a sudden change of tone. Your eyes widened. "Stop it! STOP LYING!" You screamed. He massaged his temples and then stood up. "Sweetie, your mother died only a couple of weeks after everyone thought I did." He added. You felt more tears form in your eyes.

"No.. Mom's been with me ever since you faked your own death!" You yelled. "Your mother committed suicide!" He shouted, just as frustrated as you were. "No.. No! Just be quiet!" You shouted. "I WOULDN'T LIE ABOUT SUCH A BIG THING, ZAYNAH!" He yelled at you. "WELL YOU LIED ABOUT YOUR OWN DEATH, SO WHY WOULD LYING ABOUT SOMEONE ELSE'S BE ANY DIFFERENT OR HARDER?!" You yelled back. 

He groaned in annoyance. "You knew that she was dead.. But you still left me.." Your voice began to break. "I did it to protect you!" He told you. "No you didn't.. You didn't have to f*cking fake your death! If you didn't, then mom would've still been right here right now!" You shouted. He opened his mouth to speak, but you spoke before him. "Who was that other woman then? Your mistress?" You asked, being really serious. 

"No, sweetie. I loved you and your mother with all of my heart, but I did this all to protect you from everything that I was." He started. "I didn't know how to tell you or your mother that I was part of a Mafia gang, or on top of that, the leader.. If anyone found out that I had a wife or a daughter, then bad things would've happened to you too.. So, I faked my death. I didn't mean for things to go as far as your mother passing away. In fact, when I found out I couldn't live with myself, so I-." You interrupted him. 

"That's enough. If you couldn't live with yourself then why did you leave me all alone?! Didn't you care?! Do you know how much pain I went through?!" You asked him. "I did.. That's why I sent Cho-Hee to take care of you." He explained. You put your hand to your forehead. "I just don't understand how I didn't notice that she wasn't my real mother.." You whispered to yourself. 

Your real father came towards you. He crouched down to your level and sighed. "You just needed someone to comfort you, and since your mother wasn't giving you any real attention after my fake passing, you were willing for anyone to do so." He told you. You wiped the tears away from your face. "Let them go, dad.. Please.." You begged him. He sighed and then stood back up. "No can do, honey." He told you. 

You grabbed his arm. "Please, dad!" You cried. He pulled away. "DAD!" You screamed. He went over to your stepfather and pointed a gun at him. "He killed my father.." He told you before looking back at him. He shot him. 

"DAD!" You screamed. Blood poured over the floor. 

You turned to your stepbrothers and saw that they were crying. All of them. No sounds, but they were visibly crying. 

"You're a monster.." You cried. "That's what I've become, yes." He agreed with you. "LET THEM GO DAD!" You yelled. He walked over to your stepbrothers. "DAD, NO!" You screamed. "DAD, I LOVE THEM!" You shouted.

He jerked his head back and looked at you. "Sweetie, you have Baekhyun.." He told you. "I don't care! I hate him with all of my heart!" You screamed. "DAD, PLEASE! If you care about me and love me, then don't do anything to them!" You screamed. He turned to Baekhyun and then back at you.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart.. But he's done so much just so that he could have you. I can't take away his opportunity." He told you. You ran up to him and grabbed his gun and pointed it at him. All your stepbrothers looked at you in shock.

"Z-Zaynah?! What are you doing?!" You asked. "I'm sorry, dad.. But I won't let you hurt them." You told him. "Honey.. Put it down, you don't know how to use it.. You wouldn't use it against your own father, now would you?" He asked. "I don't want to.. But I will." You said with a broken voice. His eyes widened. 

"Zaynah, what are you doing?" Jungkook asked from behind you. You turned to look at him. That was a mistake. Wonho came and grabbed the gun back off of you. He pointed it at you. "No. Wonho, don't." Your father said. "You're not to touch her." He said, strictly. They all glanced behind you when they saw all of your stepbrothers standing up. 

You looked back to see what they were looking at when your jaw dropped. You smiled and ran to hug them all. They hugged you back. 

"Get away from her, or you all die with a push of a button." Wonho told them. They all reluctantly pulled away, except for one. "I said get away!" He raised his voice. "I won't let you cause any more damage to her life." Jungkook said, firmly. "Listen kid, I'm giving you 5 seconds to move or I'll push the button." He repeated his command. "Jungkook.. Please.." You whispered. "I don't care. I would die for you." He said, softly. 

"5.." Wonho began counting down. He didn't budge.


Jungkook looked into your eyes and held your face. 


He kissed you for what could be the last time and you kissed him back. Tears streaming down both of your faces. 


He pulled away. "I love you more than anything." He said. "I love you too.." You cried. 

"1!" Wonho pressed the button.

Jungkook pushed you away so that you wouldn't be electrocuted with him. 

"AARGH!" He screamed a painful scream and fell to the ground. "JUNGKOOK!" You yelled with teary eyes. Baekhyun ran to hold you back and the rest of your father's men held your stepbrothers back. 

Everything went quiet as you buried your face in your hands and fell to the ground, still in Baekhyun's arms. 

You heard 7 gunshots. Baekhyun's grip loosened on you and he fell to the ground. You looked behind you and saw that your father and Wonho were on the ground too. You looked towards your stepbrothers and saw that they were free. 

"Kai..?" You called out his name. He ran to you. "I'm sorry.. But you're my friend." He told you. "TRAITOR!" You heard your father's voice scream. You and your stepbrothers ran towards Jungkook and you held his face.

"Jungkook..?" You called out his name. There was no answer. "Kook.." Yoongi called. "Jungkook!" Taehyung cried. "Jungkook, wake up.." Seokjin tried to keep his tears in. "Little brother, open your eyes!" Hoseok yelled with tears streaming down his face. "Jungkook.. Please.." Namjoon begged. "Jungkook!!" Jimin screamed his name in agony. 

Kai ran over to you. "I called the cops and an ambulance. They're on their way." He told you. You nodded with teary eyes. 

You heard sirens in the distance. Jungkook wasn't showing any signs of waking up. 

{Author's Note:}

My heart. What do you think is going to happen next? Don't forget to vote and comment. I love you guys.

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